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This is it.

My wedding day, not exactly what I pictured all those years ago but whatever.

It was the day I would escape so wonderfully and get back to my loving mate.

After ages of Marcus' servants having me fit on all kinds of dresses of different colours, shapes and sizes; I was being dressed in a big white wedding gown by one of Marcus' many muts.

I loved my dress... But it had to go.

I had a "mission" to complete and a pack to get back to and that was exactly what I was going to do.

His mutt tapping on my shoulder had me yelping in surprise as if I've been caught in the middle of an evil scheme. If only she knew.

"It's time to go now ma'am." she whispered.

I made my way out the room and into the hallway where I was met by none other than Darcy, the Banshee, leaning against the wall while admiring her nails.

"Close your mouth, or you'll catch a fly." she snickered.

"I knew it was too good to be true." I said in annoyance.

"Yeah? Well after you gave me the big ass headache from bobbling my brain around in my head, I figured that it would be such a lovely idea to return the favour so I uhm destroyed those two muts and turned Rogue, thanks to Marcus! He's such a wonderful wolf..." she giggled before sighing. You've gotta be fucking kidding me. "You know, you should really work on your facial expressions. I know I've changed somewhat but it's no need to look so disgusted." she smiled at me, showing off her yellow teeth. "Anyway, time to get you married off to the man who loves you most." she beamed before coming over and pinching my cheeks. Definitely gonna make sure of her death this time...

She hooked her arm into mine and walked towards the grand hall of Marcus' fortress, dragging me along with her as the stench of her perfume suffocated me.

"She might have 'changed' but her taste in perfume is still up to shit." my wolf hissed.

"Guess that's what you get for wearing Eu De Toilette." I snickered.

"Yeah, she bloody smells like a toilet, that's for sure." my wolf bellowed.

We came to a stop in front of the massive doors that opened into the grand hall.

Nerves began to seep in through my skin and sweat started to form upon my brow.

The doors flung open, the light shining through blinding me.

The sound of an organ playing an awful attempt at 'Here Comes The Bride' as Darcy dragged me forward, down the aisle towards a grinning Marcus.


Luke's Point Of View

We waited outside Marcus' territory in the darkness of the bushes and tall trees.

It was the day I was going to get my mate back and I would stop at nothing to get to her.

A guard on patrol walking past caught my eye. Thanks to Vulcan's fancy skills in whatever the hell we were wearing, the guard could not smell us.

I made a move to snatch him until Raphael's hand grabbed a hold of my arm.

I turned to look at him and saw that he had covered his lips with his index finger, only to point it at a hoard of guards jogging by.

After they passed, I lunged forward when I saw an opportunity, Raphael and Richard following close behind.

Once we were sure the coast was clear, we linked our warriors to follow and soon we were making our way inside Marcus' fortress.

My mind could not wrap itself around the fact that I've been through these lands before and this was the first time I saw the massive piece of work. A shield.

The sound of an organ poorly playing an attempt at a wedding song caught my attention.

"He's wedding her." my wolf growled. The feral parts we've kept hidden so well were slipping right through the cracks of the tall walls we've built around the creature that it oozed from.

Lexi's Point Of View

I came to a stop beside Marcus as his hand gripped mine instantly while he smiled; a forced smile spreading onto my lips as I stared back into his lifeless eyes.

I looked towards the so called priest in his rag tag outfit, his face void of any emotion as he stared at Marcus at myself.

"We are gathered here today, to forge a union between these two lovely people that stand before us." he said. Oh please... Just get it over and done with. "Do you, Alexandria Tyne Thompson, take Marcus van der Bylt, as your spouse? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health? Until death do you both part?" he questioned as he pointedly stared at me.

"I d-" my words were cut short by the sounds of men screaming before the door to the grand hall burst open and bodies came flying through the air in front of a beast I have never seen before in my entire life.

Its eyes searched the room before landing on me. A low growl escaped it as it inched closer and began swatting away any mutt that would cross its path.

I somehow could feel it wanting to get closer to something.

No, someone.


Suddenly I was hoisted in the air and thrown over Marcus' shoulder, my head bobbing up and down as I stared at the beast that still inched closer while Marcus fled with me on his shoulder.

Once we came outside, Marcus froze. Snarls sounding around us as he dropped me to the floor.

"What the-" my words stuck on the tip of my tongue as I stood off the ground, wiped my hands on my dress and turned around.

I could not believe my eyes.

Before us stood my entire pack except for a few women here and there and...

"Where's Luke?" the words slipping from my mouth as I stared at Raphael in confusion.

I expected my mate to be here, anxiously awaiting my exit as the beast raged inside the fortress walls.

The doors slamming open behind me had me frozen in my spot with my eyes closed in fear.

That beast.

Those eyes.

So empty.

So soulless.

So haunting.

So hungry.

So consuming.

I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die.

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