Avory's POV #BonusChapter

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Avory's Point Of View

As I laid in bed watching my mates sleeping form cuddled up against my body and smelling her delightful citrus and sea breeze scent; I could not imagine myself being without her.

She was my salvation.

My second chance.

Her perfectly sculpted lips had me captivated with every word she spoke.

Her playful green eyes bewitched me like no magic could.

Her innocence was more precious than all the gems this planet could conjure.

Her body sang a song that mine knew by heart.

Her heartbeat became the center of my universe and I planned on keeping it going for as long as the Goddess would let me.

She stirred before tightening her grip on my waist and opening her eyes to peer up at me and even with a crows nest on her head and make up smudged all over her face, she was still the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes on.

Yeah guys, don't think your lady looks like a sexy beast 24/7. They look like crap when they wake up just like us.

Except for this one, this one could look like the wicked witch of the west and I'd still be like 'wow, bruh.'

Anyway, what was I saying?

Oh yeah, she was now laying on my chest just staring at me.

"See something you like?"

"Like? Why would I like you?" she questioned distastefully and before I could answer she was smothering my face with kisses "I LOVE you douchepants." she giggled before pulling away and almost falling off the bed onto the floor. "Oh gosh! I've got dragon breath! I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to cause your senses any harm!" she said while running towards the on-suite bathroom, making me chuckle as I got up from bed and made my way towards her.

I watched as she smeared a large blob of toothpaste onto her toothbrush before stuffing it in her mouth then brushing fiercely as she hummed our new favorite tune Home Alone by Ansel Elgort while doing all kinds of poses and dances as she looked at herself in the mirror before pulling out the toothbrush and singing "Just hold my hand baby, I'm never letting go! I don't wanna go home! Alone!" then stuffing it back into her mouth as she continued to brush.

She was this ray of sunshine in a morbid world.

A breath of fresh air in the suffocating bullshit that was life.

And she was mine.

My ray of sunshine.

My breath of fresh air.

A knock to our door had me snapping out of her spell.

I put on a pair of baggy pants and made my way to the door, pulling it open, it reveal a pregnant London standing in the hallway.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Breakfast's ready. Alpha asked that everyone make an effort to make his mate feel comfortable." she beamed.

"Mkay, thanks." I said before shutting the door only to see her stick her foot in the gap between the door and its frame.

"What now?" I questioned, annoyed.

"You look good, Avory. I miss you." she whispered as she retrieved her foot and stared at me in wonder.

"Should've thought about it before you rejected me then went and fucked my best friend." I spat the words at her like knives before slamming the door shut, staring at the patterns on it as I sighed.

Small hands creeping up my chest caused a smile to replace the scowl that covered my features.

I turned around to look at Zareth before engulfing her with my embrace.

"I love you." I whispered into her hair before placing a kiss upon her crown.

"I know."

My fingers wandered across her skin... A few years back I didn't even think of anyone besides London. Never mind a second mate. But here I was with Zareth, thriving in the moment with her; silently thanking The Goddess for giving me this wonderful female.

I kissed her forehead before pulling away, grinning.

"How about breakfast waits a little and we go have that shower you promised me last night before you so gloriously fell asleep on me?"

Zareth gasped, "Since when does Avory Steele break the rules?"

"Since he met Zareth, Mrs. Steele.. She is the fuel to his fiery sin." I smirked.

"You wouldn't..."

"Oh I would... Watch me." I sighed, looking at the floor before looking back up, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder as I carried her to the bathroom, my mate giggling the duration of my spontaneousness.

"Avory put me down!" she exclaimed.

"Not until you agree to that shower." I chuckled as she smacked my bottom.

"Put me down and I will!" she continued to giggle as I tickled her sides.

"Now that's more like it." I grinned as I lowered her onto her feet.

She stared at me, the smile on her face never leaving as she took off her tiny pajamas and got into the shower, motioning for me to join her.

And I did right after I hurriedly took my pants off and deposited to the floor.

I must seem like somewhat of a pervert for basically making my mate join me in our shower naked... But I enjoyed looking at her.

I enjoyed looking at the drops of water on her skin, the way the steamy liquid would enhance the mystery her face carried and every single little curve moving so elegantly yet so precise.

Her blonde hair, broad smile, pale skin and blue eyes were what made me weak to her yet immune to the rest of the world.

She was beautiful and kind.

A complete opposite from the person I met not so long ago.

I loved her...

Since the day I laid my eyes on her.

And I will love her...

Till the day my heart stops beating and I take my eyes from her. But should there was a life after this one, I'd be damned if I didn't love her even then.

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