Twenty Six

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Not even two weeks after Vulcan had told me I was pregnant, my abdomen started stretching around not one little future but two.

Nights would pass where I would wake up screaming in agony as my babies kicked at my ribs and spine.

Days would pass where I wouldn't be able to keep anything down except milk and french toast.

The rest of the time passed by as Vulcan had predicted. In pain. And agonizing pain to be exact.

Luke was by my side as often as pack business allowed him but even in his absence Katarina, Brian, Jason and Penelope were always there, Penelope glaring at Katarina most of the time but her jealousy didn't affect me.

Katarina was my friend and had grown on me, even with her bloodlusted outbreaks. I adored her and despite the fact of her having a mate I wished her and Jason a good chance at a future because she deserved to be happy.

Brian was my source of humour and my rock I could lean on along with Lewis who would pop in unexpectedly as I lay bedridden between my sheets.

A knock on my bedroom door had me startled as I found myself in my little daydreams.

"Come in?" I said sweetly.

But the person who revealed herself as she opened the door had me regretting the sweet tone I had used and thanking the gods for the fact that I had a guard close by.

The huntress.

"Why are you here?" I snarled, my body up straight as I stood next to my bed in a split second.

"I heard the little elemental mutt is having two more mutts so I decided to pay this said mutt a visit." a sinister grin dancing on her lips.

I closed my eyes, trying to reach Luke but found no trace of him.

"Don't even bother. Nobody can hear you thanks to my sweet Violet"' she cackled.

Not again.

Why can these psychos not just leave me alone?

"What do you want from me?" I grit out, the words seeping through my teeth like venom.

"I don't want you. I want your eldest born."

No. Not my child. Not my chilDREN. Or any of my people for that matter.

None of them were going to land in the clutches of this she devil.

And I was going to make sure of it.

"What happens if I don't oblige to your request?" she couldn't have gotten me with my tail between my legs in fear. I had no fear of a mere human and her witch bitch.

"We kill all of you." she fluttered her lashes, twirling her leather dress lightly "Just give me your son and I'll be out of your hair." She smiled sweetly at me.

My son?

How does she know I will have a son?

"Let's play with our prey, shall we?" my wolf carrying a sinister tone in her voice.

"What makes you think you and your goons can destroy all of us?" I grinned.

"I don't think. I know." she smirked. Cheeky bitch.

"Give me till I give birth and I'll give you my eldest born son." lie and lie.

I was going to show her hell and all its demons that same day with no holding back.

Luke's Point Of View

When I came out of my somewhat trance, the last thing I saw going out the door of my office was Violet, a fierce smirk on her face as she sent me a wink.

If Violet was here it meant Lexi was in danger.

Running out of my office in the pack house, down the hall, out the front door and up the hill, I heard a powerful voice yelling orders. Lexi.

"We have limited days people. Make them count, train hard, prepare some weapons and something that can protect us from their spells. Starting now, we are preparing for war people!" her voice strong, intimidating and flawless as my people watched her in wonder before scurrying off to busy themselves with war preparations. "Someone bring me Mary-Anne please?" her right hand on her forehead and her left on her belly as she frustratedly kicked at a rock on the courtyard floor.

"What happened?" my hand brushing her shoulder, only to have her pull me into a tight hug.

"We can't let them take our children." she breathed, her body shaking. But not with fear. It was pure rage that tainted our connection.

A cough had me pulling away to see my aunt and Sam.

"You were looking for me?" Mary-Anne's sweet voice a complete contradiction to the the grim expression on her face.

"Ahh, yeah. I need your help." Lexi's hands brushing through her messy hair before she wiped her face with her sleeve.

"What with, my dear?" my aunt was always the sweet and kind type. A mother goose like my own mother.

"I know you practiced witchcraft as a pastime." my mates voice low and quiet as she stared my aunt dead in the eye, her blue eyes fierce and threatening.

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