Thirty Three

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After my little outbreak, I shifted into my wolf form for a bit of 'fresh air'.

I have no idea how long I had been running around against the borders of our pack when suddenly Hephaustus' all too familiar wolf came jumping through the air and onto the ground next to me.

"Care to tell me why you're running?"

"Needed some air." I huffed.

"Oh, I think you're running from your fears." the smirk in his voice obvious.

"You don't know a thing about me!" I snarled, pushing my legs to run faster.

"Your problems won't just disappear with every step you take. So instead of acting like a child by running away, be a grown woman and handle it!" his running form passing by me like a speeding bullet.

I came to a sudden halt; the force of gravity yanking my ass right over my head and into a tree.

Pulling myself up off the ground, I shifted and brushed myself off.

"You hurt?" Hephaustus' voice causing me to snap my head up and move my hands towards my privates in inhuman speed, only to have him toss an oversized football jersey at me.

"No. But my dignity is." I mumbled, moving behind the tree and slipping the jersey on.

"So would you tell me what's wrong?"

"I think you already know exactly what's wrong." I stepped out from behind the tree and pulled my fingers through my hair.

I stared at Hephaestus, his body soaking wet as if he just went for a swim.

I will never understand this god and his random popping up out of nowhere and scaring people shitless powers.

"I was just trying to be polite... But yes, I know." his voice low as his eyes wandered down my body.

"Hey god-person! My eyes are up here." I snapped my fingers.

"Sorry. Got distracted. You look mighty fine, by the way." he smirked.

"Uhh. Thank you? Now get back on that track before I cuff you to it." I snarled.

"That just sounds kinky." his smirk growing larger.

"Would you stop it? I'm trying to ask for advice here!" I whined before grunting.

"Sorry. It's just that immortality would suit you very, very well." he swallowed as if the temptation would slip down his throat with his saliva "But to get back to the matter at hand. I think you should follow your heart." he shrugged as he shoved his hands in his baggy jean pockets.

"Charming. But my heart is in two right now."

"You and I both know that's a lie."

"What do you think I should do then?"

"Go home."

"I am home."

"I'm not talking about your mate, Alexandria. I'm talking about the blood and earth that made you."

"You made me."

"Artemis did."

"Yeah... But where is she? She's not here now, is she? She never has been."

"Your Moon Goddess has a place on Olympus. She cannot leave."


"For the cost will be her life." his tone grim as he looked away.

"Then why the fuck are you here?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

"Because I want to be?"

"You're lying." I spat.

"Banishment." his voice barely audible but loud enough for me to understand.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"You heard me. But that's not the point here." he waved it off.

"Then what is?"

"You. You're the whole reason I'm here. And I'm not leaving you until you make the right choice." he took a threatening step towards me.

"Which would be what? Abandoning my husband and children for people I used to know? We both know that's a lot to ask and won't be happening soon."

"I never said to abandon them... But that was a low blow Lexi. I never expected you to just give up on the people who loved you long before your mate even existed." his eyes mournful.

"I never said I was a good person." I whispered, looking away.

"I expected you to be a good leader!" he spat.

"I know I was supposed to step to the plate when my father stepped down, Hephaustus. But never like this. Never in a million years did I want it to happen like this."tears of anger threatening to spill.

"Zeus never promised to be a fair ruler of gods and mortals alike. It's the price of a mortal life." his fists clenched tight as he tried to reason with me.

"A price I do not want to pay!" I spat.

"You have no choice!" he snarled, his fingers lacing around my neck.

"I always have a choice..." I murmured.

"In this there is only one decision to make and you know it." his voice low as his eyes swam with golden fire.

Pissing a god off was the least of my worries... The future of so many lives depended on me an my choices. Me and my fears. Me and my blood.

But as I stared into the smouldering molten hot lava swirling in his eyes, I could feel reason burning right through my skin like a branded truth.

My truth.

"You can't deny this." Hephaustus' voice burning right through the steel cage surrounding my thoughts as his hand trailed towards my shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze.

Not saying a word, I turned on my heel and walked away.

No thoughts passed through my mind. But with every step I took, I realised exactly just how right Hephaustus was.

They are MY people.

The snow was getting thick as I plopped forward past Vulcan's hospital where in the shadows I noticed Jason making out with someone and by the black and red boots I knew he had finally got the girl.

Shaking my head, I pushed forward with determination.

MY blood.

Across the courtyard past Myi, Akua and a giggling Koa.

MY birth right.

Up the stairs, through the doorway and down the hallway.

And I am THEIR Alpha.

Slamming the door open, I watched Luke jump up from his seat in surprise while Liam and Kate just turned to look at me like they've been expecting me to do exactly what I just had.

Luke's eyes wandered down the large football jersey to my legs and back up, a loud gulp sounding in the air.

"Why are you wear-" before Luke could even begin to question me I cut straight to the chase.

"I'm going home."

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