Marcus' POV #BonusChapter

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Marcus' Point Of View

I shot upright in bed, pulling my hands through my hair before turning my head to watch her sleeping form beside me.

Her soft breaths covering my linen brought me slight comfort but the dream from my past brought a dreadful taste of disgust to fill my mouth.

It's been a little more than 4 years since the night I betrayed my female.

The love of my life.

I have hurt her in more ways than one.

I have taken all her wants, needs and desires from her for all my own selfish reasons... And still she seemed to lay comfortably within my sheets even with scabs covering the length of her back.

I loved her. Goddess knew I loved her so, so much. She was everything and I mean everything to me. She was the blood in my veins and the air in my lungs ever since I could remember.

She had been all I ever wanted and needed in life. She had always been the spark to my gasoline. The Bonni to my Clyde. The Riff to my Raff. The Harley to my Joker. But maybe that's just what we were; a danger to one another. The same sides of two magnets. Unable to connect the way we should, but also a danger if we would.

I knew what I had done would bring hell and all its demons to my doorstep but my dear Lexi was worth it.

I reached out to her, tracing my fingertip along the length of her arm only to see her flinch and roll up into a fetus form.

What have I done?

I got up from the mattress and silk sheets as my mind started eating away at itself; driving me to look for a distraction.

I walked down the hallways of the place I built, my silk nightgown brushing upon my skin almost soothing me as I reminisced about the reason for building the fortress.

I built it for her.

Yes, the walls and hallways were pale and bleak... But she was the only center of attention it needed.

She was the crystal features, mesmerising paintings and source of light.

If only I made her happy.

I remembered a time that I actually did succeed in doing that before greed and lust blinded me and made me hurt her.

I know it sounds like I'm shifting the blame but just so you know... I hold myself accountable for all the vacant spaces in her life and all the scars left on her skin.

Even the ones I wasn't responsible for.

I found myself walking past the kitchen, the smell of cheese attracting me to the refrigerator.

I pulled open the door, grabbed a cube, stuffed it in my mouth, closed the door and continued my stroll.

My feet took me places in my fortress I hardly went to and then eventually led me to my most secret place.

I pulled away the bookshelf with the old books I've read a thousand times and walked down the stairs.

The room instantly lit up as the bookshelf creaked closed, leaving me with the hundreds of clay objects I've moulded in the past four years since my exile.

I stopped at my workbench, my fingers tracing the edges of the mass of a mess of clay I made the day I saw Lexi in the mall with his claim on her neck.

I chucked the mass of clay on the wheel and opened the faucet in the little sink, catching the water inside a bowl before closing the faucet and placing the bowl close to the wheel before wetting my hands and turning it on.

I imagined what life would be like if I actually was Lexi's mate and what life would be like if she loved me as much as I know she would love Luke due to the bond they had.

I ran pictures through my mind... Moments when she was happy, moments she was so happy it made her more than just beautiful and moments where I was the reason for that glowing joy.

I began to mould the clay into the images I saw.

My mind focusing on one where we were each still very young.

I had given her a daisy I stole from the pack florists display... The way her puffy cheeks reddened, the way her blue eyes twinkled and the way her lips curled up into a toothy smile; had my heart galloping faster than a horse and my soul soaring higher than a G6.

That moment was the most precious.

It was the moment I realised that I would love her for eternity and nothing less.

I stopped the wheel, dipped my hands in the bowl again and continued to mould the clay, capturing every curve and detail of my wonderful Lexi.

Capturing her eyes.

Her lips.

Her beauty.

I sighed, pulling away from it... I knew what would be waiting for me when the sun was at its peak.

There was no doubt her mate would come for her, no doubt he would take her away from me.

But even if she wasn't my mate, I had to at least try to get her to be my wife before he did.

And even if he would kill me; I'd still die happy despite the corrupted thoughts and feelings I may have - because she was the definition of happiness to me.

I looked at the work I've done.

I looked at how I captured the person who I fell in love with and found myself reminded of the way she looked at me the day in the container, and how much hate there were in those mesmerising blue orbs.

Sighing, I turned around and left my hideaway with my head down and began to wander the hallways towards my bedroom once more...

In anticipation of it being my last moments alive with her.

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