Twenty Four

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Luke's Point Of View

Three weeks have passed since we buried our people. Their absence leaving holes in my heart that I knew would never heal without the help of my mate.

Since the death of Jamie, she's been different though. More appreciative of the things that life gave. But I knew it was because of Jamie. The boy who made home, home.

Lately she's also been painting a lot and went to training with Vulcan until she'd come home exhausted and out of breath.

She also spent more time with me, more than before as if to savour every moment spent with me.

How the goddess has blessed me.

After all the things I've done and been through, she still blessed me more than I ever could've imagined.

In the short time this woman she gave me has been in my life, I've grown to love her in more ways than one and heaven alone knew that I loved her with every ounce of my existence.

Time and time again, I found myself stunned by her beauty, baffled by her intelligence and in awe of everything that was her.

Her body perfectly sculpted and curved as if the gods have paid extra attention to her like the humans' Michaelangelo. Skin smoother than the marble surface of 'David'. Face more beautiful that the ceiling in the Sistein Chapel. She was just a definition of pure perfection in each and ever single way imaginable.

And as I watched her walk down the isle of our pack's tiny church, I knew I wanted her, this - forever.

I needed her. To keep me grounded, sane and pure. Not even the darkness that has been plaguing us the past few weeks could taint her soul enough to make her less of a wonder in my eyes.

Her painfully soft and slow steps on the black carpet nearing me and the faint scent of her heat had me yearning for her to a point where I had to swallow a lump that found itself lightly lodged in my throat.

She came to a stop in front of me, her gorgeous blue eyes peering up at me through her long lashes as she shyly whispered "Hi."

"Hi." I smiled back down at her "You're so beautiful." I whispered as I took her hand before kissing the top of it, a faint scar on her middle fingers' knuckle.

"Uh uhm!" my uncle Peter cleared his throat causing us to turn and watch him intently "Let's be human for a while now, shall we?" he chuckled before taking a breath.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today before the sight of the gods and in the presence of the gods to witness the joining together of this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honourable among all men; and therefore - is not by any - to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly - but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly." he took a deep breath making the onlookers chuckle before continuing "Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace. I would advise that they do though, my godson doesn't like people taking what is his." he chuckled.

A few seconds passed, nobody making a single sound except my Lexi, her nervous shaky breaths making me smile.

"Very well," my uncle continued "Do you have any specific vows you wish to share with one another?" he questioned looking over the both of us.

"I do." Lexi squeaked "They're uhmm... Right here. Penelope?"

A small folded paper revealed in the palm of Penelope's hand as she handed it to Lexi, her hands shakily unfolding it into a large sheet of paper.

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