02; baseball is life

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a/n: so I currently finished this chapter in lunch. I have to go. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

After a long game of baseball and an awkward duck when Benny went to wrap his arm around my shoulders I had finally found my way home. The night never held anything for me especially during the summer months. I stayed up all night before finding my way to sleep before I had to get up for the day. In summer I stayed up later and slept in longer. The boys knew of my habits and always expected me at the sandlot around 1 pm instead of 8 am.

I showered before I left. I found myself in an old baggy sweatshirt and a book in my hand before walking out to my car.

"Amelia! Amelia! Wait!" I heard a voice yell and I turned my head seeing Benny run towards me.

"Benny what are you doing?" I asked and he joined me on the other side of my car.

"Show me the night?" he asked and I smiled and nodded as we climbed into my car. It was silent for a while. That's what I always loved about him. We could just sit in silence comfortably and know that we were both safe. The radio lightly played as I continued along the roads until I made my way to Peggy's Diner.

Peggy's Diner was the only place in town that served a great cup of coffee and was open 24/7. None of the waitress's looked at you waiting for you to leave. They just came by and asked if you wanted a refill and left you at that. Most of my nights were spent here with one of my books and that amazing cup of coffee.

"Peggy's Diner? What are we doing here?" Benny asked and I turned and looked at him.

"You asked me to show you the night, this is only a big part of it" I said and he nodded as we continued out the car and inside. I made my way to the corner booth I always sat in and quickly ordered myself a cup of coffee as did Benny.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked and I raised my eyebrows and folded my hands.

"Sure" I said nodding for him to continue.

"Why did you duck away from me earlier at the sandlot?" he said and I sighed.

"It was just really hot out" I said and he shook his head.

"That was not it" he said and I dropped my head.

"I just wasn't feeling good, I have been tired a lot lately. Can we just drop it" I said and he nodded.

"So this is what you do at night?" he asked after a while of silence and I nodded.

"Yeah, there really hasn't been much out there during these late hours so I like to spend a couple of hours here reading probably then maybe drive around" I said as I pulled my
book out.

"Ooh what's it about?" Benny mocked as he picked up to book and I laughed.

"Happiness, anger, sadness, overcoming obstacles, mostly love" I said and he nodded flipping through the pages.

"Your a romantic" he stated and I laughed.

"A very hopeless one" I replied and he continued flipping through.

"This is all about love, it doesn't seem like it" he said after reading some random page.

"Of course it is, she sacrifices all of her love just so he can be happy. She loves him so much that she refuses to show her love so he can continue loving someone else. She is one of the strongest people in the world to make his feelings her's through love. If he's happy she will be happy knowing he is. No matter how much it kills her each time" I instinctively ranted and he smiled at me.

Oh that smile. His deep brown eyes stared at me and I almost shuttered at how deeply he was looking into me. I could tell he was trying to read me. Sadly I was no longer an open book. I was shut and you could only read the cover. I almost let my wall down back there but I refuse it for my happiness will not be his like his is mine.

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