08; He chose her

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a/n: so I don't know what to say anymore. I feel like you guys don't read these. You prob don't and no one gives a shiz. don't worry tho. I just am a little bit salty. people annoy me. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

I ran my hands along the floral dress placed on my body. Mrs. Smalls did my make up again so no one would see my injuries.

"You look beautiful, I don't think I have ever seen you in a dress" Benny's voice said. I looked up as he stood in the doorway. He walked behind me and looked at me through the mirror.

"You don't have to impress them though, I'm the one who should have shaky hands" he said grabbing both of my shaking hands in his still standing behind me.

"I'm just nervous because I don't think Patty likes me very much" A lot. Like A lot A lot.

"Are you kidding, Patty loves you" he said and I had to hold back from laughing. Wanna compare that to my year of abuse. I nodded and we walked out and down to his car.

The drive seemed to take forever but we finally pulled up in front of this tiny Italian restaurant. Benny reached over and grabbed my long brown hair that was brushing against my lap for having it down.

"I'm really scared" he said and I grabbed his hand and pulled it out of my hair.

"Look at me, look at my eyes" I said and he brought his brown ones to mine. He immediately untensed and I smiled.

"You have really pretty hazel eyes, I love the green" he said and I blushed and let go of his hand.

"Let's go" Yeah so I can die.

We walked in and Benny spotted Patty at a table who waved him over. I awkwardly sat down beside Benny on the other side of Patty. If we were a triangle this would be an accurate representation of how awkward it can get.

"Hi Benny I'm Roger and this is Penelope, we are Patty's parents" Roger said shaking his hand across the table.

"Oh and you must be Amelia, I heard your good friends with Patricia" BAHHAHAHAHAHHAJAHAHAH. Wait let me calm down. BAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

"We are very close, I approve of her very much for my best friend here" I said pointing to Benny. When do the lies stop Amelia.

"So how long have you and Benny known each other, how close are you?" his mom leaned on the table. She is defiantly the birth giver of Patty.

"Um since we have been 7 and I don't know, how close are we?" I asked turning to Benny shrugging.

"Um I guess we're close enough that I would do anything to help her out. Uh her Dad just came down to visit and he has never met me and to avoid talking to him I pretend to be her boyfriend so she can get out of the house to go on dates with me" he said putting air quotations around dates. Patty nearly choked on her drink and I sighed. Benny I'm dead. You know that right. I'm dead.

"See that's cute but your not actually anything, right?" she asked and I nodded.

"Yeah we are just friends, he chose her after all" I said. Wait that might of sounded funny.

"Like out of all the girls in the school and she couldn't be any better for my best friend" I said and they nodded as the waitress came over and we ordered. Patty sent me glares the whole time and Benny shook from nervousness.

"Well we will leave you guys for the rest of the night" Penelope said wiping her mouth as she stood.

"Drive safe sweetie" she nodded at Patty and Patty nodded back. Once they left Patty turned to us.

"Benny I would love to hang but I'm really tired, oh my God. Meil's you should spend the night!" Ahhhhhhh. Help. What do I do? What do I say?

"I really should get home" Nice one. This makes perfect sense.

"Oh please I insist" she smiled.

"Cmon Amelia, it would be a great bonding thing" Benny said. Dammit why did you get involved. I can't say no to you.

"Fine" Yayyyyy.

"Well.....bye" she said before placing a
slobbery kiss all over Benny and exiting the booth with me following to her car.

"This time I'm not gonna leave you with any air to breath" she snarled as she pulled out and drove us down the road.

She pulled up to a different alleyway and dragged me out by my hair. I winced as she whipped me against the concrete by my hair. Don't snap. Hurting her won't do any good. She pulled me back before slapping me then punching me in the gut. I hunched over from impact and she punched me in the eye and my already broken nose.

She continued the process adding a few kicks that bruised my shins. It just kept going and going and it felt like a whole day except it had only been one hour. She smashed my head off of the wall a few times and I was barely conscious when she walked away and drove off in her car. I wanted to sleep really really bad.

I looked up and saw a telephone box so I crawled to it before trying to hoist myself up. I pulled a quarter out my purse that still hung across my shoulder and pushed it in before lifting the phone. I told the operator where my call needed to go and then I heard the sweet voice.

"H-hi Mrs. Smalls" I lightly smiled.

"Amelia?" she asked.

"Ye-yeah" I started before coughing.

"I don't know where I am but in really hurt, I'm in an alleyway I think a couple down from Vincent's" I pushed out my voice cracking and stopping.

"Hold on honey, we will be right there! Don't fall asleep" she exclaimed before hanging up. I slid to the ground and clutched my sides holding the bruised ribs.

I'm not sure how much time passed but finally I felt arms scoop me up. I immediately knew it was Smalls step dad when I heard his voice and they brought me to the car. I whispered as they laid me across the backseat with Smalls beside me.

"Just hold on honey we are almost there" Mrs. Smalls voice came from the front seat and I nodded my head.

Finally I was taken away in a stretcher which is becoming way to common in my life nowadays.

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