16; triangle

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a/n: im at work rn sooo yeah. Im bored and i love you guys. i guess enjoy the chapter. anyways I'm really tired. I have a long summer full of work ahead of me and life is just one big struggle bus. if I could live with any of you that's great. also I now have an app that tracks my anxiety so yay me. I'm so sick of being sick. why do I have to be so full of anxiety. will u guys take in my sorry anxiety butt or will that be just to hard because I could find somewhere else to go. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

"I can't believe this Smalls" I sighed. I continued to stare at his ceiling as he sat at his desk.

"Just admit it Amelia you still love him" he said and I shot up to sitting position.

"You know that it's been a month that I have felt that way besides I love Phillip's" I stated and he shook his head.

"Yeah but you love Benny too" he said and I shook my head.

"Just admit it Amelia! I'm sick of this, it's possible to love two people at the same time and you obviously do. Stop lying to yourself and just admit it" he exclaimed and I sighed a tear falling down my face.

"I'm scared, he broke my heart once and I don't want him to anymore" I said silent tears falling down my face. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me as he continued to hug me.

"It's okay, let's go before were late meeting the boys" he said and I nodded wiping my face as we walked out to my car. I drove us to Peggy's and we walked in to see everyone sitting in chairs around a small table.

I sat next to Phillips expecting Smalls to sit next to me but he was on the other side of the table. That means there was only one spot left for the one person I didn't want near me.


I walked into Peggy's to see everyone already there. I was running late due to the small sob fest I was having with myself since Amelia walked away from me last night.

I just wanted to stay away from her in case I end up crying again. I looked up to see one chair left next to the one person I didn't want near me. I sighed and walked over sitting down beside her.

"Amelia can we talk?" I asked.

"One minute" she replied well that was easier then I thought.

"Phillips I have something to say" she said. My heart literally stopped and she turned towards him more then she already was.

"I love you and I hope you feel the same" she said and I saw Smalls hit himself in the forehead.

"Amelia I-I mean it's only been a month" he said and I sighed. That made me feel a little better.

"I know but I love you, do you love me too?" she asked. He looked scared honestly and I couldn't hide this anymore. Not from the boys, from her, and especially from Phillips. We were friends now he had no reason to hate me. Except for the fact I was hopelessly in love with his girlfriend.

"I'm in love with Amelia" I blurted and everyone seemed to stop as all eyes landed on me. That was a bad decision wasn't it. Phillips stood up as Amelia leaned back in her chair and covered her hands with her eyes.

"You what?" Phillips asked and I sighed.

"I'm so sorry dude, I just can't help the way I feel" I said and he looked down at Amelia who finally took her hands off of her face.

"Did you know about this?" Phillips asked but mostly shouted at her and she stood up.

"Yeah bu-" she started but he cut her off.

"No buts, Amelia I know you used to like him and how can I trust that you don't anymore when he's telling me he likes you" he said and she sighed.

"I just told you I loved you do you really think that I love him after telling you that" I said and he shook his head.

"You don't love me, your just trying to cover up your feelings for him" he said turning away but she grabbed his arm.

"I promise I'm not, I love you Phillips. Why can't you believe that?" she asked but he didn't turn and look at her. He just ripped his arm from her hand and walked out.

"Amelia?" I started but she turned to me with tear filled eyes.

"Why would you do that?! The guy I love hates me now. I told you I didn't want anything to do with you last night why can't you just listen!" she shouted before storming out.

I turned to Smalls and he stood up. All the boys were watching my every move to see what I would do next. Everything that just happened was probably a huge shock to them just as it was to me.

"You need to go after her, she doesn't hate you she's just upset. She's loves you she just doesn't know if she can take your word for it" he said and I nodded as I ran out.

"Amelia wait!" I shouted and she stopped walking and turned to me. Tears were streaming down her face and she looked so tired of this.

"I know you love me, why can't you just accept it?" I asked and she sighed looking down.

"I can't accept it because I love Phillips to and I just don't know who I love more right now" she said and I nodded. It was adding up a little better.

"I didn't think it was possible to love two people at the same time and I'm not even sure if I love either of you. I know there are feelings there I just don't know what type of feelings" she said and Phillips walked into sight from one of the alleyways.

"Well once you figure it out you need to decide. Me or him" he said walking next to us. Amelia looked up utterly heartbroken but I nodded.

"We can't stay like this forever" I said and she let more tears fall before sitting down on the bench outside of some convenience store. Phillips sat next to her and I joined the other side.

"Well, look at us" she said and me and Phillips nodded.

"One big triangle" Phillips said and I sighed.

"A stupid love triangle"

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