10; secrets out

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a/n: ATTENTION!! The last little bit of chapter 9 got cut off and this chapter won't make sense without it so please go back and read! also it makes me sooooo so so happy that you guys enjoy this book. I look forward to ur comments and suggestions every time u guys read. u just need to stop reading my mind because every suggestion u say I already have planned😂. I still love you guys for it, knowing my writing so well by now you figure it out. I'm so happy that ur all there and enjoying my writing😊😊. you guys slay❣🔪. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

I slowly placed on some shorts and a old t-shirt trying not to stretch my stitches. Life is extremely tough. I was getting changed to go down to the market because my Grandpa needed some groceries and he had work and we needed something for dinner. I couldn't keep the kiss from last night out of my head. I smiled each time I thought about it.

I put the money in my pocket before running outside. I already told the boys I was taking a break from ball because of my injuries and they understood. I passed my neighbor's and smiled and waved as I saw each one. If only they knew that smile hasn't been real for a really long time.

I was just passing Vincent's when I saw the blonde ponytail and cover up. She must be heading to work. How was she not fired yet, she is so rude. How can she be skilled to save a person's life when she has come close to ending mine.

"Oh my God! Amelia we need to talk. Come join me!" she said cheerfully. Fake, you faker. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an alleyway and behind the nearest building. Technically not an alleyway now.

"You kissed my boyfriend" she growled as she dropped her bag.

"Your so worthless, I don't even understand how Benny likes you. He told me he went to visit you before he came back to me and then he went back to you and you kissed him! I should be first. You deserve to die because no one wants you in this world" This was it. I snapped a little bit once but I am now full out broken. I can't take any of this anymore.

"Do you want to know something Patty. Your a bitch. I hate you so much and it literally amazes me anyone even likes you! I do have a lot of people that care about me including your boyfriend. Your just a psychopath whore that took our barely friends and turned it into a relationship. We were only friends and you ruined my life because you refused to believe that. Do you know how hard it is to walk out of your own home afraid hat something might happen to you because you talk to your friend. I did almost die in that alleyway but I have a family that cares about me that found me and took me to the hospital so don't you dare tell me I'm worthless when I have people to prove I'm not" I ranted and before I knew it I had lost it all. I don't care anymore. What's the freaking point.

She went to punch me but I grabbed her arm and twisted it back before punching her in the face. That felt good. I continued punching and I kneed her in the stomach a couple of times before she fell the ground. I continued punching and slapping and before I could finish I heard yelling.

"Woah woah woah! Amelia what the hell are you doing?!" I heard that voice as he ripped me off of her.

"Benny, Benny. She just attacked me. I-I was so scared" She pretended to start crying and all the other boys rounded the corner. I saw Smalls who looked at the scene in front of him. I stood with bloody knuckles as Benny comforted Patty on the ground. His shoulders visibly tensed and he walked over and grabbed my wrist before dragging me back to his house.

"What were you thinking?!" he exclaimed as we walked in the kitchen and I hopped on the counter.

"You have no right to blame this on me Smalls. I snapped and you know that was nothing compared to what she did to me" I said and he sighed and nodded as he wet a rag in the sink.

"I know, I'm sorry" he said rubbing my knuckles with it getting all of Patty's dry blood off.

"Amelia! I know your here!" Benny's voice boomed from the living room and he speed walked into the kitchen.

"Why did you do that?!" he shouted and I flinched.

"I'm sorry Benny, I just was angry and we were talking and she accidentally said something that offended me and I went ballistic" I lied. I didn't lie for my sake this time. I lied for his. He loved her and there is no reason for him to stop loving her because of our hate for each other.

"That's it! Amelia stop lying. Nobody's happiness matters any more right now. I'm gonna tell him" Smalls bursted and I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"No please don-" I started but he cut me off.

"Benny, Patty is a jerk. Secrets out! Since the moment you guys started dating she has abused Meil's. Don't you ever wonder why she is always injured. It's because of your bitch girlfriend that beats her up anytime she talks to you. She tells Amelia to kill herself and that she is worthless before she beats her up. That day you saw her on the couch was right after we brought her back from the hospital where she got stitches on her stomach because you told Patty you pretended to be her boyfriend and she took a broken beer bottle at her stomach in the middle of an alleyway right after you left the restaurant. This is the first time Meil's has stood up for herself out of a year of constant beatings from her and she only lies to you because she doesn't want you unhappy because she believes you love her, when you and me both know you don't!" Smalls said and I dropped my head as Benny's mouth fell open. Well this is a huge turning point.

"Is this true Amelia?" he asked and I lightly nodded.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry" he said hugging me and I winced. I lightly lifted up my shirt to see during the fight I must of pulled some stitches and they were lightly bleeding.

"Oh my" Benny said grabbing the cloth from Smalls and placing it in my wound.

"Why would you lie to me?" he asked looking up at me and I sighed.

"I just wanted you to be happy even if I wasn't while doing so" I said and he looked down and shook his head.

"I love you too Amelia. I wouldn't of been that upset if I knew" he said and I nodded and Smalls grabbed my hand.

"It's all over now Meil's. Doesn't it feel so much better?" Smalls asked and I nodded.

"So much better" I replied before hugging Benny.

I smiled. Not a fake one. A real one for a really long time. I just kept smiling and smiling. Maybe I was finally myself again.

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