20; your the voice

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a/n: I'm halfway ungrounded guys so I can update more frequently. yayyyy. I hoped the last chapter was good. I used gmw as my muse so I could change it up for u guys. also I have to get x rays on my back because I did something to it. Idk what but it hurts so yah. anyways I don't know what's gonna happen in this chapter as I write this like always so cool. (I'm just adding this and it turns out this is a short filler, next chapter shall be long and if it's not I will make it long) lots of love, ash❤️❤️

"Girls dinner!" Auden's dad yelled from downstairs and me and Auden stood up from her bed and made our way down the stairs.

"Are you serious, Mr. Law made your situation a lesson in class. That's stupid and embarrassing he shouldn't of done that" she said. I was filling her in because she had gone on a trip to visit her family and missed a whole lot.

"I know but the thing is he helped a little bit, he maybe saved me from some more damage I was about to put myself through" I said and she nodded as we sat at the table.

"So do you girls have dates for the winter ball yet?" her mom asked setting a bowl of mashed potatoes on the table. Auden's dad reached for some but her mom slapped his hand.

"Wait until all the food is served" she scolded and me and Auden chuckled as he pouted.

"I completely forgot about winter ball, besides mom I'm still new. No one is gonna ask me" Auden said and I looked at her.

"Auden your gorgeous and have been here for long enough now, besides I'm pretty sure Dave has a thing for you anyway" I said and she rolled her eyes and blushed.

"What about you Amelia?" her mom asked and everything seemed to stop. What about me? Usually I wouldn't go or I would go with the boys as a group. I was supposed to go with Phillips but now that I'm in this triangle the whole night I would have to even things up.

"Mom" Auden said forcefully trying to give her a hint this might not be the best conversation.

"No it's okay Auden, I'm probably not going" I said and Auden's mom stopped and looked at me.

"Well why not? It's your last winter ball you have to go to it!" she said placing the steaks on the table then flailing her arms.

"There are two boys that I don't know my feelings about just yet and it's either not go or even the night up with them" I said and she sighed taking her oven mitts off.

"Amelia things are hard for you right now, I know. This is your senior winter ball. Just because you have to even things up a couple of times doesn't mean it should stop you from going. Give a dance to one then to the other and be done. Enjoy your night. You will regret it later on" she said and I nodded.

"Fine I will go" I said and she smiled.

"Yay!" Auden yelled hugging me and I laughed.

"Okay now let's eat, I'm hungry" I said and they laughed as we dug in. Once we were done I left and made my way to Peggy's.

Every night I would go to Peggy's and sit awkwardly with Benny and Phillips for an hour or so. Me and Benny's night adventures stopped and besides if they were still going I would have to have night adventures with Phillips and that's not our type of relationship.

Me and Phillips can't sit and talk about the randomest things. We can only talk serious where me and Benny were always comfortable and as much as I loved that I loved being serious with Phillips to. I just don't know what one I like more like always.

"Hi guys" I mumbled as I walked in and hung my coat on the coat rack. I turned and saw them both standing with a rose. Benny's rose was white and Phillips red. I love white roses. But I never told Phillips that and red is the main rose color. Like I said Benny and me had meaningless talks while it was opposite for me and Phillips.

"What's this" I asked taking the roses from both boys. Red or white. I still can't choose.

"We both want you to go to winter ball with us" Benny explained and I nodded.

"Well I'm not going with either of you, you each can have a dance but I'm going alone" I said and they nodded before we sat down. Try and guess how. Me in between them. What a freaking surprise.

"Amelia! oh wow I have never seen this in person before" Auden yelled entering Peggy's. I chuckled. She has never seen me in the position I was she has only heard about it.

"What's up?" I asked standing.

"Dave asked me to winter ball! He showed up at my house with a dozen roses and I said yes!" she cheered and I hugged her.

"Aww that's great" I said smiling and she nodded.

"What color?" Phillips asked and she turned and looked at him.

"Yellow" she replied a bit confused.

"Dammit man we should have gone with the yellow maybe then she would have said yes to either of us" Benny said hitting Phillips on the shoulder and he nodded.

"So what about them?" she mumbled tilting her head towards them.

"I'm not going with either" I said and she nodded even though Benny just said I wasn't going with them.

"The black haired ones hot" she whispered terribly. Benny smirked and looked at Phillips who rolled his eyes.

"Well anyways I'm proud of you for deciding to not go with either. Your strong and besides its your voice anyway" she said and I smiled.

"It is" I replied looking at the boys nodding. It was my voice and I just needed to figure out what it was saying.

"Your the voice, try and understand it"

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