14; awkward hug

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a/n: I am serious struggling. I got logged out of my Power School so I can't see my regents grades and I'm peeing everywhere. I'm so nervous that I'm gonna seriously cry. I'm so overly stressed and my new found anxiety doesn't help that. I love you guys and I love that you love my writing it makes me so happy and it gets me away from my anxiety so that's good. also its Father's Day as I'm writing this and we're having a huge family party at my place and it's going to be bomb so enjoy. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

A whole month. One whole month passed and I fell deeper out of love then I had imagined. I have been dating Phillips for a whole month now and something is just different. I can't tell what but I know I like him. I'm just not sure I love him yet. It's only been a month though.

"Are you nervous?" Smalls asked and I nodded. Today was my first last day of high school. The painful summer seemed to go by terribly fast.

"Just a little bit" I replied. Smalls had nothing to be worried about he was only a sophomore, lucky him.

"Well you will do great, remember it's Tommy's 8th grade year so he's top dog this year too" he said and I chuckled and stood up from his bed.

"Let's go" I laughed wrapping my arm around his overly tall shoulders and walking out. I left early so I could drive him to school.

We walked outside when Benny was walking out the door but you could see him struggling as his mom kept following him out and wrapping her arms around him.

"Mom get off!" he loudly yelled pushing her but she continued her rampage.

"My little baby's a senior, I can't stop crying" she sobbed as he finally gave in to her hug. I held back my loud giggles but some escaped putting their attention on me.

"Hi Mrs. Rodriguez" I waved. Stupid decision.

"Amelia, your a senior too" her sobs continued as she walked towards me with open arms and hugged me.

"Mom let her go, mind giving me a ride?" he asked and I nodded.

"Come to dinner tonight? Please?" Mrs. Rodriguez said and I sighed. I can't say no.

"Sure, me and Benny will come right after school" I said and she nodded letting me go as she kissed my head. I slid into the front seat and Benny slid into passenger.

"One stop before we go, Benny your gonna have to move to the back when we get there" I said and he nodded. I pulled up in front of Phillips house and Benny hopped in the back as Phillips came out and slid into the passenger seat.

"Hey babe" he said and I smiled as I leaned over and kissed him.

"I would prefer to not be late" Smalls said and I pulled away and laughed as I started the car again and drove towards the school.

Once we were there we all got out and I locked the car as Phillips interlaced our hands. We walked past Patty and I smiled. A whole month without her abuse and I felt great.

"Hey we're gonna head to our lockers" Benny said touching my shoulder and I nodded.

"Okay, bye" I said and I saw his face fall for only a second before turning it into a tight smile and walking away with Smalls.

"Happy first last day" Phillips said as we got to my locker. I turned around to face him and he wrapped his arms around my waist as he pushed us back against the lockers.

"You too" I replied before kissing him. We got a little carried away until two hands landed on our shoulders.

"Kay you two don't be late" Bertram's voice said and we pulled apart and looked at him. I rolled my eyes and Phillips pecked my lips once more and then walked away. I continued before grabbing my books for class and preparing myself for a long day.


The last bell rang and I ran out to my locker. The faster I move the more time with Amelia I get. I was so happy when my mom invited her to dinner and I just wanted to get out to her car so we could go.

"Hey Benny" I heard Smalls say. Crap I want to go.

"Whats up Smalls?" I asked trying to hurry the conversation.

"How was your last first day?" he asked and I shrugged. I honestly didn't know myself. Everything has been so confusing as of late I would just like to sleep. I'm constantly tired and up thinking every night after me and Amelia's night adventures. At least she hasn't let go of those like she has me yet.

"Cool" he said and I nodded.

"Yeah I'm sorry dude but I gotta go" I said and he nodded as I finished grabbing my stuff and rushing outside. I walked over to Amelia's car and stopped right in my tracks. Amelia was straddling Phillips lap as they made out in the front seat. I felt my heart fall to the bottom of my stomach. It hurt every time. Loving her kills me every time even though loving her is what keeps me alive too. Its a painful process and now I understand what she went through a month ago when she still loved me. When she still chose me. Over him and over everybody. She doesn't feel that way anymore. I'm to late.

I walked towards the passenger side and knocked against the glass. They both pulled away and looked at me. Amelia's blouse was unbuttoned revealing the black lace bra and her hair was a mess from his hands running through it. That should have been my hands.

"Were gonna be late" I shouted through the glass her head nodding as her teeth fumbled with her swollen lips from all the kissing she had previously done. She got off of Phillips lap and he slid out the car so he was standing next to me.

"Have fun at dinner" he said and I solemnly nodded as he walked away. I slid into the car and smiled at Amelia.

"Ready?" she asked and I nodded as she drove off. We got to my house where we were greeted by my crying mother again. The dinner was terribly quiet until we went to say goodbye to Amelia who was heading out.

"Benny say goodbye" my mother pushed me towards her. I opened my arms and she reluctantly moved into them.

"Bye Meil's" I said and she nodded as she walked out. Well that was one awkward hug.

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