epilogue; hi

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a/n: I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I love you all. a memoir will be next. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

It was 1969 and I had just got out of my college course. I agreed with my Dad that I would stay in the house until I graduated and it was my last year of college. I was taking creative writing courses and I had already published one book called Choices.

I was on my way to the stadium. My dad was gonna have me meet the new guy that will be running the radio station so people not at the games will know what's going on.

"Sorry I'm late" I apologized to my Dad as I walked out on the field.

"It's okay, the new guy is waiting up in the box. When your done I want you guys to come down so he can meet the team and the new recruits" he said and I nodded pushing my purse more on my shoulder as I ran back into the stadium and towards the box.

"Hi sorry I'm late" I apologized setting all my stuff down.

"Amelia?" a voice asked and I looked up.

"Smalls?" I asked and he nodded.

"Oh my God is that really you" I hopped into his arms and he laughed.

"Yup it's me, I'm working here now" he said and I smiled pulling away.

"That's so great! I haven't seen you guys since 66" I said and he nodded.

"3 years to long Meil's" he said.

"Well I was supposed to come up here and let my Dad know if he made the right choice picking you for the job but I already know you will do the job great" I said and he laughed.

"Come on, I have to take you to meet the team and I still need to meet the new recruits" I said and he nodded. We walked out the box and down to the field.

"So does he qualify for the job?" My dad asked when we got down there and I smiled.

"He will be the greatest person in the world for the job" I said and my dad smiled.

"Okay well Scott this is the boys. You will get to know them personally soon and I have three new recruits. Elswinger, Lumpkinel, and Rodriguez" my dad said. My head snapped up. Rodriguez? It can't be Benny it has to be another Rodriguez.

The man had tan skin with jet black hair. It looks like him though.

"Recruits meet my daughter Amelia" he said and Rodriguez snapped his head in my direction locking eyes with me. Oh those brown eyes. Brown is never your favorite color until you meet someone with brown eyes. It was definitely him.

"I hope you guys feel at home" my dad said before walking away.

"Meil's what's wrong?" Smalls nudged me but I brushed him off stepping towards the boy who had already started walking towards me.

"Hi" I said lightly a little nervous.

"Amelia is it?" he asked and I nodded.

"I'm Benny" he smirked holding his hand out for me to shake but I rolled my eyes.

"Come here you big goon" I said and then hugged him.

"It was about time you showed up again" I said and he laughed.

"I was wondering if your not seeing anyone if you would like to go out to dinner sometime?" he said and I smiled.

"I would love to"

I made a great choice picking him.

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