06; she cant play

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a/n: life is so tiring. Monday the 13th is my last day of school I'm currently in the middle of all my finals and I have my Living Environment and Algebra regents on the 15th and 16th and I just want it over with. Im gonna cry I am so overly stressed.  I am not gonna pass Algebra so summer school is defiantly in the question and if I even pass that regents I might cry tears of joy. I just need support and I'm gonna write a lot and maybe hope one boy someday actually likes me so I don't have to write about fake boys liking me. Life's tough, wear a f'ing helmet. Don't grow up. If ur not in high school yet stay out its a trap. High School is like a Lord of The Flies preschool. Don't do it. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

"Cmon Benny man why did you bring her?" Squints asked for the fifth time as for the other boys.

"Guys just stop, you all said the same thing about Smalls and look at him now" he said and I sighed. All the boys were in a group ahead of me and Patty. Real smart to leave us alone huh Benny. We could obviously hear them but I tried my best to ignore it.

"I'm glad you came to play with us" I said to Patty. Kindness kills right. I don't know. I'm not much of my sunshiney self anymore like I said. I don't even know if that sentence was kind or not.

"Oh shut it, I only agreed to make sure you kept your filthy paws off my man" she grunted and I flinched at her tone of voice.

"I'm amazed any of these boys like you, your about as useless as a nun's boobs. No man would ever like you" she said and I felt the burning sensation behind my eyes.

"Let's play ball!" Benny yelled and Patty ran to his side as I went to my spot.

How could Benny ever fall for something like that. I mean I'm not that great either but I have enough common sense to know that I'm a better person then her. My looks defiantly don't compare but my personality beats her's easily.

I looked over at Benny who was letting Patty hit first. Kindness. I loved him for that. He flipped his hat backwards. Beauty. I loved him for that. He was so handsome and I couldn't help but be physically attracted to him as well. He ran his hand across his tan skin as his teeth fumbled with his bottom lip. He grabbed the bottom of his t shirt and brought it to his face reveling his abs to everyone. My knees shuttered and Smalls gave me a confused look.

I wanted to run my hands along them so bad and his back feeling his muscles as he hovered over me shirtless. I am putting way to much thought into this but as much as I loved his personality I wanted for him to just touch me. Just put his hands on me and make me feel the love in them. Just love me back. That's all I want.

"Watch out!" a yell knocked me from my thoughts but before I knew it the ball made contact with my nose. I immediately brought my hand to it and then I looked at Patty who was smirking happily as all the boys ran towards me. Loser she mouthed. That was it. I was so stressed and this pushed me over the edge.

I started balling like a little baby. Smalls hugged me and the boys looked like they didn't know what to do.

"Did it hurt that bad Meil's?" Kenny asked and I shook my head.

"It didn't hurt at all I just can't take it anymore. Why do you guys even like me. I'm a terrible person and Im so ugly and I can't do anything but think about myself and I hate that. Don't even look at me" I sobbed and they all looked a bit saddened. Benny walked to my side and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. What the hell! Before I could even process he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"We love you Amelia for everything you are and will be" he said. I looked towards Patty who was furious. All the boys huddled in a group and hugged me until I calmed down. I realized I was having an anxiety attack and they helped me out of it.

"Let's go back to playing" Benny said once we were done hugging.

"Why Benny, did you see Patty. She can't play" Yeah Yeah said and Patty scowled. I lightly chuckled and she glared at me. She wasn't supposed to hear.

"Well that's okay! I know I'm not very good. I will just go home. Amelia do you wanna walk together?!" she said way to cheerfully. I can't say no. Not in front of Benny. I'm the nice one. Smalls looked at me and I sent him a look of fear but I don't think he knew how I was gonna get out of this one either.

"Sure!" I smiled taking my glove off and putting it under my arm.

"Great!" she said hooking arms with me and walking us out of the field and down the street out of view.

"What the hell!" she yelled as she shoved me into the side of a building after she walked me into an alleyway. How ironic. No one will find me here if I die.

"Have you been hooking up with my boyfriend" she pushed me back into the wall again where I smashed my head against the cement. Ouch.

"No no I promise there is nothing going on between us we are just friends" I said almost begging. Wow Amelia aren't you already annoying enough.

"All of that was for attention back there you whore! Don't go near my boyfriend again because I will find out!" she said punching me right where the ball hit me. Now my nose has to be broken. I snapped.

"Well if you didn't hit that ball at my face maybe I wouldn't of received the attention!" I spat. Oh shit.

"Oh you think you can stand up for yourself now huh. Go die" she said so serious before the punches and kicks came in. I could not go home. My Grandpa and Dad are there. They can't see me like this.

"Ill leave you with some air left to breath" she spat as I slid down the wall and she left. I touched my ribs and flinched. That hurt way more then it should have. I tried to catch my breath but I took so many punches to the stomach my breathing was irregular. I slowly stood up before making my way to the one place I was safe.

I knocked on Smalls window and the curtains slid open and I saw his eyes open wide in shock before sliding the window open and pulling me in. I couldn't help but blow air through my teeth due to the pain in my ribs.

"What happened?" he asked as he laid me down on the bed.

"What do you think?" I growled. Is he stupid right now.

"Scotty is there someone in there with you" his mom voice traveled down the hall as the door opened. I held my breath preparing for the worst.

"Oh my God, Amelia what happened?" she asked running next to me. Here I go again.

"I just fell of this fire escape I found in an alley" Well it did happen in an alley. There was a fire escape.

"We have to get you to the hospital, let me call your Grandpa" she started to move away but I grabbed her wrist.

"Please, I am begging you, don't call him. He has been on my case and if I come home like this he won't let it go this time. That's why I'm here instead of home. Please don't call him" I begged and she sighed.

"Fine I will tell him your spending the night, Scotty help her in the car" she said and I thanked her as Smalls scooped me up and carried me out to the car. I laid across the back seat as we continued down the road.

"Your grandpa said you can stay with us for as long as you want because he knows how you feel about your Dad being home so that can give you enough time to recover" Mrs. Smalls said as we parked outside the hospital.

Before I knew it I was brought in and the doctors took me telling them to stay behind. This has gotten way worse.

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