07; Im home

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a/n: life is still miserable. I wish I could meet you guys. you would all support me. if I drop out of school now could I live with you. I'm not very smart and apparently you can't get by in life without being smart. save me please. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

I sighed as I made my way to the door. Two days spent in the hospital with a broken nose and bruised ribs. I had a red and black face but me and Mrs. Smalls covered that up with make up. I will just tell my Dad and Grandpa I got hit with the ball and don't flinch when movement hurts my ribs.

"I'm home" I yelled once I opened the door. I wish I wasn't here.

"Ah your home" my Grandpa exclaimed running to me and hugging me tight. Ouch.

"Why are you so tense?" he asked and I shrugged.

"I'm stiff from playing ball everyday" Lies Lies Lies.

"Okay well go rest up, your dad just left to go shopping. He hasn't been around town in a while" he said and I nodded and walked up the stairs to my room.

I showered for the first time in three days. I sighed once the warm water hit my back but of course that hurt my ribs tensing me up again. Once I got out it was 10:00pm and I threw on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt before going downstairs.

"There you are sweetheart?" my father said and I sighed.

"What's up Buzzie" I asked casually as I went to grab an apple and bite out of it.

"What's up with your eye?" he asked. Oh no. My makeup washed off.

"When that ball hit my face it bounced of my nose and broke it then hit my eye. It didn't feel to great" I lightly chuckled and he sighed.

"Is that why you have been getting hurt a lot lately?" he asked and I nodded.

"We play baseball hardcore man, all my bruises come from getting hit with these balls" why does this lie make so much sense.

"Okay, are you going out with your boyfriend again tonight?" he asked. What. Wait oh yah. Benny thought it would be smart to say he was my boyfriend. Idiot.

"What's up Bavasi's!" a voice yelled from the main entrance and Benny walked into the kitchen where we all were.

"Hey babe" he smirked. Hold on knees. Hold on.

"Hiii" I stuttered. Oh God that was to obvious. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my nose. I'm falling. Help.

"Woah are you okay there?" he asked holding me up.

"Yeah just a bit lightheaded from that hit from the ball" I said and he nodded.

"Well I guess I will drive tonight" he smiled down at me. Oh that smile.

"Nice to see you again Mr. Bavasi but we are gonna be on our way out" he said and my father nodded as he kept his arms wrapped around me as we walked out. I handed him my keys and he helped me into the passengers seat and he walked around and got in the drivers.

"Where have you been the past three days, Smalls won't tell us" he immediately said as he pulled out.

"I went of the grid for a bit, I needed to breath" I said and he shook his head.

"I know you had an anxiety attack but you have to allow us to help you. Don't run, okay? We love you, I love you" Goodbye. I'm already puddle. See you in my second life. I can't breath. He loves me. I love you too. If only I could say it.

"Okay, I will remember that" I said and he smiled and put his hand on my thigh. Stop. Just stop. Oh my God I'm gonna die. Do you see my pain here?

I tried to loosen up as the ride stayed silent and his hand stayed right where it belonged. Uh wait I meant right where it was. On my leg. Yeah. He pulled up outside of Peggy's and he finally loosened his grip as we sat in our regular booth before ordering some coffee and a large piece of pie to share.

"So what did you do while you were gone?" he asked.

"I slept, a lot" I said lightly chuckling. That wasn't a lie. I did sleep a lot.

"You know when I first started dating Patty and you tried to tell me something but Patty walking over stopped you, I don't think you ever got to finish. What were you trying to say?" he said.

I opened my eyes wide as she pushed me against the wall. Where was this coming from?

"Benny is my boyfriend now and if you don't stay away from him there will be consequences and if you tell him I did this I will beat the shit out of you" she snarled and I nodded. I didn't believe her. She can't do anything to me. I'm Amelia Bavasi and she is just wimpy Patty.

"Good" she said with a smug look before leaving the classroom. I waited a while before running out. I looked down each of the hallways. Benny was one of my best friends and he needed to know about his threatening girlfriend. I spotted him at the end of one hallway at his locker.

"Benny!" I shouted running towards him.

"Woah, slow down Meil's. What's up?" he asked.

"P-Patty is-" I started but was cut off by Patty grabbing his collar and kissing him. Huahhhhh. That was me throwing up.

"Hey Babe, Meil's can I talk to you for a second?" she asked and I drew my eyebrows together in confusion before following her into another classroom.

"You whore!" she exclaimed shoving me and before I knew it she punched me right in the eye and stomach.

"I told you there would be consequences. Try this stunt again and it will be worse" she said and I nodded frantically as she left and tears streamed down my face. Ouch.

"Uh I don't remember, that was almost a year and a half ago" I said and he nodded taking a bite of some pie.

"Yeah that's what I had thought" he said and I bobbed my head up and down as I folded my hands together.

"I remember it being about Patty but that was forever ago so it doesn't matter" he trailed off.

"Oh hey wait! I was wondering. Me and Patty were gonna go out to eat with her parents and I was wondering if you would come with. You would be really nice support" he said after a while. I couldn't say no.

"Yeah sure, just tell me when" he said and he smiled before hugging me and kissing my forehead. What the hell.

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