03; oh no, we slept together

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a/n: I swear to God this is like the cutest story I have ever wrote. Well second cutest. Princess is still my first. that one is so magical I absolutely love it. I'm sorry I'm rambling about stupid stuff. honestly I would love love love it if you guys were more active and commented more. give me your thoughts and stuff. maybe some opinions on things you would like to see in the near future. let me know. have an idea for this book. share it with me. comment or message I will answer. I love talking to you guys. we are all a great team and we slay🔪🔪 hardcore so be a cool cat and share. enjoy this chapter my beauts. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

Since that night Benny has been going on my night "adventures" as he likes to call them. We mostly go to Peggy's diner and drink some coffee as we share a slice of pie and then we go to the hill and talk. We talk about stupid things and loose track of time.

After that night I hadn't realized that we had fallen asleep watching a movie on my couch and I woke up tucked under his arm and leant against his chest. I swore to God I fell in deeper the second I felt his warm skin against mine.

"Oh no, we slept together" I mumbled the second I woke up. I hopped up and immediately called Scott waking him up and telling him everything and how if Patty found out she would kill me. It's been two weeks and she still doesn't know but what if she does. How bad would it be if she found out it happened weeks ago.

"Hey Bavasi you finally showed up!" Benny yelled across the field as I made my way there. It amazes me how he stayed up all night with me but was still here at 8 am sharp. I happened to show up at 2 instead of 1 today and my lateness was obvious to all the boys.

"I don't know if I'm in the mood for baseball today guys, it's so hot and I'm still so tired" I said and they all nodded.

"We can do the pool" Benny said and I looked at him.

"You give up baseball for the day, pfft" I said laughing and he shrugged.

"Besides we got kicked out a couple years ago when Squints pulled that stunt" I said.

"Well we're good because Patty is the lifeguard this year and she can get us back in and I can go see her" he said and my heart broke. Smalls flashed me a worried look. Sometimes it's not the butterflies that tell you you're in love, but the pain that does.

"Okay well let's meet at the pool" I forced out and they nodded as we all dispersed to get ready.

I quickly changed into my
bathing suit and place some shorts and a tank top over for the way there. I had already seen Benny walk out of his house which was down the street from mine so I decided I should head out.

My hands nervously shook with each step I took towards the pool. What would Patty say if she saw me and Benny there together. She would kill me the second she got her hands on me. She was a preppy priss of a princess but I knew from experience she could make and take a punch. She was tough and I had to give her that.

I saw the boys standing in a group outside the entrance and we all walked in. I smiled as Squints returned a wave to Wendy. What a lover boy. I can't blame him though.

"Okay, last person in the pool is a rotten egg" Benny stated squeezing my shoulder before running and jumping in the pool. I shut my eyes and turned my head to where Patty had moved her sunglasses down her nose and glared at me. I. Was. Dead. I looked to Smalls for help but he was already in the pool.

"Meil's, you love the water. Why you got to be the rotten egg?" Bertram yelled up to me and I shrugged before slipping off my shirt and shorts. I slowly removed my hands from my body. Insecurity. That was my flaw. It controlled most of my decisions and maybe that's why I never joined a school team and just played with the boys. I quickly hopped in trying to keep all eyes off of me.

The boys and I goofed around playing and fighting in the water. I tried to stay away from Benny as best I could but there were times he managed to tackle me into the water and me sit on his shoulders for a game of chicken. I knew every time he touched me was one more hit from his girlfriend.

"Hey guys I will meet you on the other side" I said waving my hand as I walked into the girls locker room and they walked into the boys. I went towards my bag and started dressing into my regular cloths.

I had just finished brushing my hair when I heard the preppy laugh. She was almost as annoying as those people who always erase something you write on the teachers board in school and you have to keep rewriting it.

"I thought I told you to keep Benny's hand off of you" she snarled.

"It wasn't me, he does what he does. I tried to stay away-"

"Well you didn't try hard enough!" she exclaimed slapping her hand against the locker next to my head. Why is it she always bullies me in front of lockers.

"I told you that if he was to touch you again my arm would make contact with your face and that's exactly what I'm gonna do" she growled before slapping me hard across the cheek. I instinctively put my hand where she hit but the pain was soon covered by the punch to my eye. She kept punching me and I just let it happen. If I touched her Benny would blame me for it all. She would convince him it was my fault.

I knew my eye would be black and my face red but I just let tears stream down my face as her hands collided with my chest and stomach also. Finally after what felt like long agonizing hours she stopped. I slid my back down the lockers and she walked away laughing. I slowly got up placing my bag on my shoulder. I tried to cover my face with my wet hair as I walked out the locker room.

"Hey Meils, what's wrong?" I heard Smalls voice ask and I immediately knew all the boys attention was on me now.

I made sure to keep my face hidden as I walked towards his voice and instinctively locked my hand on his arm and dragging him away from the boys with me. I brought my head up and started speed walking but a hand on my shoulder stopped me as they tugged me around to face them. No hiding anything now.

"Oh my God, Amelia what happened?" Benny's voice asked as he brought both his hands to my shoulders to keep me in place. Tears ran down my cheeks more. He couldn't know.

"I just accidentally made this REALLY big girl mad and she wasn't afraid to take it out on me" I said and he shook his head.

"I'm going in there" he started to walk towards the locker room but I stopped him.

"Don't worry about it, can you just take me home. Please just take me home" I said and I felt so stupid for begging him but I just needed to get home. He slowly nodded and me, him, and Smalls made our way down the street leaving the others behind. It was mostly silent until we got to my door.

"Here let me help you clean up" Benny said and I stopped him.

"No it's okay, me and Smalls got it" I said and he shook his head.

"Please, I just want to make sure your okay" he said and I nodded.

"I'm fine, me and Smalls got it taken care of" I said interlocking my hand with Smalls and entering my house.

"What happened?!" Smalls immediately asked as I shut the door. I walked him to my room as I broke down in tears.

"P-Patty saw me w-with Benny and she she hit me like she promised me on the last day of school" I sobbed falling into my bed and he sighed and sat next to me pushing my hair out of my face. My tears fell into my comforter and I looked up at Smalls.

"Can you help me clean up?" I asked and he nodded as he got the first aid kit from my bathroom. We cleaned up all my injuries and I sat on my bed resting my head on his shoulder.

"I can't live like this anymore" I mumbled and Smalls squeezed my hand.

"Cmon, your Amelia Bavasi the toughest girl I know no matter who bullies her. Don't let a couple of downfalls define you" he said and I smiled.

"Thanks for being the best bestfriend anyone can ask for" I said and he rested his head on top of mine.

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

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