11; well that took guts

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a/n: I can't believe I didn't realize chapter 9 got that last bit cut off. hopefully you guys all read it now that I fixed it and enjoyed chapter 10. I'm hoping I still have a lot more in me to keep this story going because the Patty thing is coming close to an end. I think I have an idea though so bare with me. lots of love, ash❤️❤️

I laid in my bed hoping I didn't have to get up. I mean I just beat the crap out of Patty a few hours ago and I was expecting to go on a night adventure and not be exhausted like I am. Finally Benny's face ran across my mind and I smiled and hopped up before changing into some comfy cloths and grabbing my car keys. I ran downstairs where Benny was already leaned against the hood of my car.

"Yo Bavasi! You could of taken an hour" he shouted opening his arms wide and I chuckled.

"Sorry, I'm tired. I did beat the crap out of the biggest jerk in the world only a couple hours ago" I said and he laughed as we slid in the car.

I drove us to Peggy's and this time we ordered to go so we could get right to the hill. Once we did I sat down and placed the box that held the pie in front of me. Soon he joined my side placing our coffees in between us.

"I just want you to know I broke up with Patty" he said and I opened my eyes wide and turned to him.

"So now that she is gone forever can you be 100 percent honest with me?" he asked and I sighed.

"When you two first started dating she threatened me and I didn't believe her so I went to tell you and she stopped me and that was when she first punched me. You know back then I might if not had realized it right away but I was so desperately in love with you. I wanted you in every single way because I loved you so much. That's why I put up with the abuse. I was so in love that whatever you felt was what I felt so if you were happy I could be too" I said and the silence then laid between us. I looked away and a minute later his hand found the side of my face turning it to face his.

"Well that took guts" he said.

Before I knew it he leaned in and kissed me. It was slow and passionate and ended to soon for my liking. The second we departed we both made eye contact and we both attacked each other's mouths. His hands tangled and tugged on my long brown hair as mine stayed on his cheeks. He leaned us back on the ground where he hovered above me and continued kissing. His hands ran down my back and then fumbled with the hem of my shirt before putting his cold hands against my bare skin under it.

He broke our lips and continued down my jaw line to my neck before stopping on my collar bone. I moaned as his teeth fumbled with the skin above my bone before he continued sucking. His hands trailed up the back of my shirt unhooking my bra and pulling it out of my shirt before lifting my chest up to his.

Once he was done leaving his mark on my neck he came back to my lips where I tugged on his hair and he moaned allowing my entrance to his mouth. We searched each others mouths and then fought for dominance and of course he won taking over my body. My insides turned from the way he was touching me and kissing me with such passion and this was all I ever wanted.

His hands found there way up my shirt and you know where his hands stayed. I grabbed the back of his and pulled it off. I'm gonna throw up from happiness. This is so hot I want him to continue. We kissed a little bit longer and we finally stopped. I went to look for my bra and didn't see it. When I turned to Benny to ask where it was he was pointing up and I saw the white lace stuck on a branch of a tree. My cheeks flames and Benny stood up and climbed the tree grabbing it before stuffing it in his back pocket and joining my side. Silence fell between us again before he broke it.

"That shouldn't of just happened, me and Patty just broke up and I don't even like you" he blurted. Ouch. I'm gonna cry. I need to cry.

"Wait I didn't mean it like that I just don't know how I feel yet" he said and I shook my head and stood up.

"Whatever Benny, don't lead a girl on just to break her heart!" I exclaimed before running down the hill and hopping in my car before taking off.

I couldn't go home so I went off to the other side of town where the school was and the home teams baseball field along with the drive in theater. I got out of my car climbing the bleachers of the baseball field to the very top where I cried. I screamed and cried and let it all out. I hate you Benny Rodriguez! I hate you so much!

"Hey are you okay?" a voice asked joining me on the side of the bleachers and I wiped my eyes and looked at him. Phillips.

"I guess, I just needed to get that out" I chuckled and he sat next to me.

"If it would make you feel better you can tell me what happened" It's true. I never believed he was an all around bad guy. He just lets jealousy control his mouth.

"I don't know. There is just this guy. I loved him so much and took the abuse his girlfriend gave me because of that. They just recently broke up and he lead me on before telling me we shouldn't of done what we did because he didn't like me. What a jerk. I guess it's true. Im bound to walk the earth alone" I shrugged and looked down and he smiled.

"Well he is pretty stupid because your very pretty girl Amelia and you super sweet. Anyone who doesn't like you is crazy" he said and my ears tinted pink as I smiled at him.

"Thanks Phillips" I said and he nodded pushing my probably messy hair behind my ears.

"What are you doing out here anyways?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Baseball doesn't come as easy to me as Benny, I like to practice extra at night" he said and I nodded.

"I know you probably don't want to but would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" Screw you Benny.

"I would like to very much"

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