12; I feel ten times better

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a/n: I found a way to keep this story going !! boom!. still hate life and math but that's okay. maybe I can just write my problems away. lies, I'm grounded still! enjoy life suckers. anyone that breaths earths air is a sucker. including me. lots of love, ash❤️❤️ p.s. I found out I have anxiety today. yayyyy! p.p.s. take as much of this as you can cause I don't know when I can update again.

I smiled as I walked downstairs. In all honestly I was excited about this date. I had managed to avoid all the boys this week including Smalls. It consisted of staying indoors and having my Grandpa say no to anyone who wanted to see me and keeping my window locked with my blinds shut. Someone almost for a whole hour knocked outside the window and I stayed strong and didn't open up.

"Hey Amelia" Phillips said as I opened the door and I smiled as I walked down the stairs.

"Hi Phillips" I replied and he smiled and looked me up and down.

"You look absolutely beautiful, are you ready to go?" he asked and I nodded blushing as he led me to his car.

We drove for a while until we came to the bowling alley in town. Larry's Lane's a night of bowling fun and the best French fries in town. Well according to them they are the best French fries. We both walked in and found ourself a lane and some shoes.

"Have you ever bowled before?" he asked and I chuckled and nodded.

"I actually have and I'm pretty good at it" I replied smirking before sending the ball down the lane and earning myself a strike.

"Damn girl, I will never underestimate you again" he said and I laughed as he went up for his turn. He only knocked down 8 pins and then sighed. He finished his second roll and turned to me.

I stood up and took my turn. This went on for a while, me mostly getting strikes and him barely 8 pins. Finally he turned me and groaned.

"How do you do that?" he asked and I laughed.

"Here I will show you" I said and he stood up and grabbed his ball. He walked to the lane and I placed my arms on his with my body wrapped behind his.

"You know usually the guy is the one who has to do this" he said and I laughed. I moved his arms and told him to let go and the ball rolled perfectly down the lane and knocked down all the pins.

"Yeah!" I cheered and he turned and hugged me.

"Amelia?" a voice said and I turned and saw it was Yeah Yeah who called my name. Benny, Smalls, and Ham stood behind him staring at me intently. I pushed loose strands of hair behind my ears.

"Hi guys" I tried to mutter out normal but you could tell my voice was shaking.

"Hey guys" Phillips said nicely as he joined my side wrapping an arm around my waist. Benny rolled his eyes and turned his head.

"What are you doing going out with him?" Ham asked. Ham hated Phillips the most.

"Hey guys I'm super sorry. I hope to come to a truce. I was just stupid being so mean to you when I was younger. I was honestly jealous. You were all great friends and great players. I wanted that" he said and Smalls shoulders visibly fell. Smalls was a softie for accurate apologies.

"It's okay, we will be able to forgive you over time" he said and Ham turned to him.

"Your killing me Smalls! We can't forgive this idiot" he said and Smalls glared at him.

"Benny what do you say?" Smalls asked still staring directly at Ham but Bennys gaze stayed locked on Phillips arm around me.

"Whatever makes Amelia happy. Meil's?" Well that's a first. My happiness was put before his. The feeling was exhilarating and beyond an explanation of words. I couldn't even explain how amazing it felt.

"I gave him a chance and I believe you guys can too" I said and he nodded solemnly before finally taking his gaze off of Phillips arm.

"Okay, you heard her boys now let's go bowling" It seems like the tables have turned. The boys walked away and I turned back to Phillips.

"Are you okay? You seemed tense" he asked holding his hands on my waist and I smiled at him sweetly.

"I feel ten times better when I'm with you" I said and he smiled and pushed my hair behind my ears for me.

"Let's take a break and get something to eat" he said and I nodded as he held my hand and he walked us to the restaurant part of the alley.


a/n: whaaaaaaaaa, that's a first^^

I watched as he put his hands on her. His arm around her waist, his hands on her hip, on her face, on her hands. They were everywhere my hands were supposed to be. She laughed as they sat and ate their stupid French fries while having their stupid conversations.

We would be on the hill right now. Or at Peggy's. We would just talk and talk about the randomest things and now she was doing that with him. The word was like venom in my mouth. It was disgusting. I wanted to say that a completely different way. Now she was doing that with me. That sounds beautiful.

Our names molded together perfectly. Benny and Amelia. Amelia and Benny. The sweet girl who did everything in her power to keep me happy and I broke her. I couldn't be mad at her now. I'm proud of her. For being so strong after I broke her. This time I was the bulldozer. Not Patty.

I told her I didn't like her when I loved her. I just didn't want to admit it. I had just broken up with Patty and I didn't know if I quite believed that myself yet. I mean everything happened so fast. Everyone knew what was happening but me and then a whole year and a half of information was thrown at me and then all of a sudden me and Patty broke up and then me and Amelia basically almost slept together on the top of a hill and then I said some things I didn't mean and now she is with him.

I gave her the benefit of the doubt and now I'm the one putting her happiness before mine. Oh the tables have turned Amelia Rose. Your happiness is what controls my happiness now.

I can only hope that when she's with him she's gonna pretend it's me, when he is touching her and talking to her she is gonna wish it was me just like I wished it was her when I was with Patty.

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