mission number 2

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I look at my droopy flower laying on the draws next to me, I pick It up and start toying with its remaining petals. I thought about how now I don't need it as much as I did before. I was alone for some time in the make shift emergency. I looked down at the flower once again, it once gave me strength. I didn't feel that now. It was just an ordinary flower now. Once heavy in my palm, now light. I shifted it onto my right hand hoping to feel the strength but It was empty. If I felt this feeing a couple months ago I would be freaking out. However, now I didn't feel anything but tranquillity. I lay my head on the plush pillow just absorbing everything around me. The sound of the monitor and the little drizzle of rain pattering on the window. I was disturbed by the bang of the door.

Aiden. That was what my eyes saw first. Even though everyone was gathered round asking questions and checking to see if I was okay. I wasn't paying much attention. It is when I see people moving out the way, parting like the red sea that I know his presence is here. He stood before me. he looked a mess. His clothes crumple, his hair dishevelled and beads of sweat on his forehead and he still managed to look like a Zeus. All I wanted to do was bring him into my arms and cry. But I kept my composure. Then I thought about it, I am alive. Shock was the next thing I felt. I really did survive a near death experience. I had to keep myself from jumping and squealing so I held on to the mattresses in thick clumps and bit down on my lip almost drawing blood. There was one person who wasn't in the room with us and that was Ava. Even though what she did won't go unpunished I wish she had turned up to see me.

Soon everyone left once Fred announced that lunch will be prepared shortly. It was just Aiden and I. the atmosphere was heavy with tension. What do I say? We both thought we lost each other and that I'd be up in the sky and he down here. I wanted to grasp his hand and shake the tension away. Tell him that there isn't any need for this. It's just me but I didn't. I was the one to break the ice. I asked questions such as what happened after I got submerged with water; whilst he began to explain the story I was silent throughout. what input could I say. The situation wouldn't have changed. He brought up Ava. My fists clenched. I didn't know if I wanted to hurt her make her feel my pain or feel relief that she's alive and here.

The words I want to say are "where is she?"

Instead I say "we need to know what she knew about those men" I say calmly

A look of confliction scatters across his face like he wants to yell at me. for some reason I want to get away from him. To curl up into a small ball. As I have had enough of people shouting at me. even myself. Yet Aiden doesn't yell he becomes surprisingly calm. And after we chat and laugh and I can feel the atmosphere ease up. He somehow ends up on the edge of my bed. He leans his forehead towards mine and I find myself copying his moves. Are we going to kiss? Instead his head lands on mine and that is it. I sigh in contentment. I don't know if I am ready to seal lips with this Greek God just yet. I feel his eyes boring into my skin so I open mine and give a small smile. I definitely know that things between us haven't changed at all.

He slowly makes a gesture to leave, my heart rate picks up at the thought of being alone. The idea causes a shiver to run through me.

"Don't leave." I croak and I hate the fact that I am so vulnerable

He freezes as his hand was about to touch the door handle

"I don't like being alone anymore." My voice a whisper

His face softens and he comes towards me like a person coming to a puppy, slowly and gradually. I pat the little spot on my bed and we just lied there together his body heat radiating off of him and unto me. He is a safety net. He is my safety net. His even breaths lull me to sleep. The next day I am awake nice and early since mother nature wanted to be my personal alarm. The space next to me is cold. I pat the mattress and I can't feel Aiden's body next to me. I look around my room making sure that I am not dreaming but he isn't here. My eyes go glossy from panic. Breath. Tara just breath. The images of last time being trapped in the glass container with water all around swarm my mind and the thought of being separated from Aiden make my mind go in to over drive. Was yesterday a dream? Am I dead? My breaths become shallow, my forehead gathering sweat. It isn't until Aiden comes back in to my room with an easy going smile that I feel somewhat relaxed. His pyjama bottoms hanging dangerously low he must have changed out of his clothes from yesterday. He sees my panicky state and holds me like a doll. He says sweet noting into my ear. But I can't seem to get myself out of this funk. I keep rocking back and forth in his arms, holding onto him tightly his skin goes white. It isn't until some minutes have passed that I can feel myself calm down. I pull out of his embrace. We both stare into each other's eyes and I can see the exhaustion on him. He must have been through so much. He leans his face forward and I do too. My hand reaches out to touch his face. The face I never thought I would see. His eyes at this close proximity have a hint of grey in them, was his lips always this pink? I feel like a sailor lost in a swirl of sea. We slowly inch forward my blood rushing round my head and I wonder if he can hear my heart beat, beating but this time for a different reason. my mind goes blank. No thoughts are in my head and for once I want this. I want our lips to touch and lock.

The door suddenly opens and we both jerk backwards. A string of curse words come from Aiden.

"Justin?" We both ask in unison

"Hey guys, is this the wrong time because I can come back later." He says but from the look on his face it's as if he knew what was about to happen.

"No what is it?" I ask

Well I retrieved some things from that place and I think this would help clear some questions that haven't been answered.

With that he leaves the room. I look at Aiden. Well it looks like we have found more clues. I grab his hand and we head through the door. On our way out I see Ava. She quickly averts her gaze. I can't bring myself to talk to her just yet and I don't know when I will. I look at Aiden but his gaze is straight ahead. I sigh. Right now mission number 2 is to find out what Justin has in store for us and know how he got out of there alive.

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