flying arrow

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Fred soon left after our little chat. And I went off to eat since I was feeling hungry. I decided to make dinner for all of us. I knocked on Ava's bedroom door asking her what she would like to eat. She replied "spaghetti and bolognas" I laughed knowing it was her favorite. I then walked to Tara's room but was hesitant to knock on her door. The words I said to her were only now sinking in and they were harsh. I shouldn't have gotten angry at her like that. Her voice was desperate in trying to explain. That I couldn't breathe breathe breath. If I didn't stand my ground I don't know what I would have done.

I took a deep breath and knocked. I didn't hear a response. My throat closed up. What is she left again?

"Tara." I yelled.

No answer.

I decided to go in. I looked around till my eyes landed Tara, lying on her bed in the dark just staring at the ceiling. And music playing. I scanned the area and saw that her journal was open. Shock over took me as I didn't think she ever used it. I then set my focus back on to her. I stepped in cautiously and walked over to her. She didn't notice my presence. Not even when I was so close. My fingertips were aching with want. Want to touch her, the want to spread all my sorrow into her and show her how deeply sorry I am. Starting from her veins traveling to her arties and then filling up her heart. That was how much it hurt. Want that she would forgive me.

I whispered her name quietly. The peacefulness of her room making me feel like I would break the atmosphere if I was too loud. She then turned to me. No expression indicating what she felt. My heart hurt hurt hurt. Did I cause her to be so unresponsive?

"I was just going to say that I'm going to make spaghetti and bolognaise for dinner" I said quietly

She didn't respond and turned her head to the ceiling.

"Look I am sorry for..."

However before I could finish my sentence off a crashing around from the kitchen interrupted me. I ran out of Tara's room and rushed to the scene. There on the floor was an arrow with a note attached to it and shattered glass around it. I ran up to Tara's room to show her but saw Ava. She seemed to be hysterically crying indicating that she saw heard the noise as well. Tara must have snapped out of her earlier mood because now she had Ava on her lap and was wiping away her tears and rocking her back and forth. I came in and showed the note to Tara. Her expression was filled with shock and also anger like she didn't know what to do. We didn't speak for a long time all of us digesting what just happened and the words in the note replaying in head like a never ending melody.

After righting in my journal I decided to do nothing. The room was dark. Windows shut. Curtains closed rejecting the light that wanted to get in. Music was the only thing filling the silence. Numb. Numb described how I felt. Numb about what I just found out when I questioned the prisoner. Numb about what I heard through Aiden's office. Just numb. The numbness was crawling up my skin, into my veins, into my arteries and into every crook and cranny of my body. Like an invisible cloak. It was going to come eventually I mused and i missed this feeling so much. Till I couldn't feel. I felt like a cloud. This was the best feeling to feel because nothing could get in and nothing could get out.

I must have felt numb for long because I didn't even notice Aiden's presence. I guess I didn't hear his concerned voice when he called my name. I guess I didn't even see the little way he wanted to reach out to me and touch me. Because that's what being Numb does to me. It blocks out my senses. Smothers them in darkness. Takes the control I have away from me. And I give it all the access it needs.

It was only when he tried explain how he was sorry that I felt I should hear him out. A crash from the kitchen interrupted him. The crash from the kitchen also jolted the invisible cloak of numbness too. I could feel it seeping out of me. No I thought come back. I heard my door open to see Ava crying hysterically and her face almost brought me to tears. Seeing her like this made me want to hurt the person that did this! I quickly went up to her and scooped her in my arms. Rocking her back and forth, wiping away her tears I didn't know the right words to say to her so we rocked in silence. Aiden soon came back with what looked like an arrow and a note.

He shoved it in my hand and told me to read it. Which was tricky since I didn't want Ava too see but I managed in the end.

The note said: Hand over your prisoner or there will be more than just a arrow. Do not try us! The address was at the bottom of where we should take him to.

I was shocked and angry at the same time that I couldn't speak. ( why couldn't life be so simple?) After a few minutes of silence I decided to break it and say so who's ready for spaghetti. And we all laughed at how random it was.

I gave Aiden a look telling him we would discuss it later; but for now I wanted to have a normal dinner.


Authors note:

i updated woo!!!

so I guess Aiden and Tara haven't forgiven each other just yet but who knows?

also the note. what do you lot think about? ( I tried to make it sound as threatening as possible but I'm not sure)

watch the video when Tara part comes in.

comment,vote,follow and share this book :) and if you like it so far make yourself known I don't bite :)


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