we have arrived

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We still hadn't reached our destination. And I had soon zoned out of the conversation between Ava and Justin. I looked out of the window seeing little droplets of rain cascading down the window. Like they were racing against each other. The scenery sped past leaving me little time to capture it and I want to tell Aiden to just slow down a little. I shift my gaze to Aiden to see full concentration on his face. What was he thinking? Did he think we would make it out alive? I wanted to ask him. The words died on the tip of my tongue. I don't want to ruin the atmosphere with my thoughts.

Instead I take out my flower from my pocket and examine it. A petal was missing. Instead of 5 it had 4. The colour was slowly fading away. It's usually vibrant yellow was starting to go in to this mucky yellow. I stare at it for a long time. Memories of the past floating back to me all at once causing me to squeeze my eyes. The first memory was the confusion of finding a flower perched at my window sill and looking for my parents. Searching in all the rooms and not finding them. The realization that they weren't with me catching up and me falling apart.

The next memory was my very first patrol looking for clues and finding nothing. The feeling of disappointment weighing heavily in my heart. Then the panic I felt when I lost it at Aiden's house, each of the 5 senses on my body alert. I even remember my shortage of breath and how the oxygen wasn't reaching to my lungs , and how sore it felt. If someone didn't tap me I would have been going down memory lane for a long time. I looked up to see Aiden, with no expression on his face. He just said that we had arrived and that we should stick to the plan. I nodded knowing this wasn't the time to start zoning out.

I looked around and saw that Fred had already parked and everyone was getting out of the car. Everyone's face was serious and ready to fight if it came down to it. I then looked over at Ava who was standing next to Justin talking to him. I felt suspicious once again not expecting her to get along with him so easily. I then looked at the castle before us. This place was frighteningly tall. The grass hadn't been cut in years, wild over grown weeds. The windows covered in dust. The fence ran around the whole perimeter looking intimidating. The castle looked worn out for someone to live in there. Everything in me was telling me something wasn't right. I checked the address and it was right. I looked over at Justin looking at him for further confirmation and he nodded. Well let's do this I said to myself as we all walked towards the door.

We finally got to our destination. Everyone stepped out the car expect Tara. When I went to her side of the door she was staring at the flower her eyes glazed over. I tapped her shoulder and that looked at me a bit startled. I wanted to tell her everything would be okay and comfort her, but I couldn't. I would be lying then. I soon scanned our surrounding and took in the appearance of this castle. Its features striking. The grass was unkempt and the windows were dusty. The fence around it made its point that no one was allowed in the. I felt like an intruder but then I remembered that I was sent to come here. Fred then came over to me relaying the plan of how things were going to go. I then looked over at Tara who was standing by herself in awe of the place but if you looked closely she was also shaking. I wanted to go there and hug her but I held back. Soon everyone gathered and we all walked in, the atmosphere of uncertainty clinging the air particles like it depended on it.


Authors note

hey guys I am back. sorry for the long ass wait.

But I finally updated woo.

this is mostly in Tara's pov hope you don't mind.

so what do you think is going to happen next ??!! and guesses please comment

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signed: Precious

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