flower where art though?

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Finally I woke up and looked around my surroundings , panic slowly surfacing.  I don't remember having a sofa in my room , neither do I remember sleeping on a soft bed, neither do I remember seeing a plasma TV hanging on the wall! That wasn't all of it; I finally noticed my droopy flower wasn't next to me like it usually would be. Where could it be? I scrambled out of bed tossing everything I saw in sight. My brain telling me to find that droopy flower. When the door opens.

"Nice to see your awake." he said amusement laced with his words

(I must look like a wreck)

"Where is my droopy flower?" I spit out

"Get changed and freshen up and you will see." he says and walks out of the room.

"But my droopy flower!" I shouted after him

Finally after going through several other rooms to find the shower I took an extra hour to wash and to remember this because it probably won't happen again. Finally after that refreshing long shower I head downstairs .I could see he was cooking so I observed silently for a while trying to  get a feel of this guy. I went down and he most of noticed me or felt me staring at him.  He tasks" Do you want a tour of the house whilst dinner is cooking ?" I simply nodded. There are so many doors that I lost track. And so many winding  staircases  my legs ached at the mere thought of climbing them.

The amount of portraits on the wall could fill a whole gallery. The design was all modern and new. This house was like a whole new world. Whilst my house was small  bits and pieces that I found over the years holding each other together. I suddenly feel something deep down in my chest, I can't pin point what this emotion is. It could be jealousy. And I hated him for making me feel this. He had it good. Nice house, nice furniture, nice food and drink. While on the other hand I had scraps. He didn't go through the hard ship so why did I? Why did my life have to be so messed up?


authors note

so chapter 3 is up and you get a sense of the new boy that still hasn't been named.

you can leave guesses as to what you think his name is and also what actor he reminds you of and also what character Tara reminds you off.

if you are liking it so far then like, vote , comment etc. you know the usual.

see you in the next chapter :)

signed: Precious

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