So this is betrayal

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I should off listened when Justin said someone would betray me. But I thought he was lying. Stupid me for not listening. Stupid me for not telling Aiden sooner. Stupid me for causing everything.

I am a bomb. Everything I touch or get close to destructs. I am a walking disaster. After this I am going far, far away; where I can't hurt anybody.

We enter the place cautiously, torches beaming of off every wall. The inside was grand and majestic from what I could see. You would never think that from the outside. Then someone finds the lights and everything was clear. I look up my eyes adjusting to the light to see a short man with hair tied back in a ponytail. Men of various heights with various weapons standing alongside him. They all seemed to be wearing black from head to toe and even there combat shoes where black. They had ski masks. The image of Justin floods my head but as quick as it comes, I shake it off. The man with the pony tail was the only one that didn't seem to have any weapons and his posture was relaxed.

"Master!" Ava shouted and ran up to the short man and went beside him.

(I noted that there wasn't any physical contact between them.)

"No!" I shouted and started to run. Two strong hands held me back. I looked behind me to see it was Aiden.

"Let go of me Aiden! I need to get her back!" I screeched at him.

"Enough the pair of you!" The short haired man said.

"Now give us Justin." He said calmly

"Give us Ava!" I countered back. He simply laughed

"Silly Tara don't you see Ava was working with me the whole time, she used you Tara. She used you so you would come to me and I would get the flower." He said mockingly.

Everything happened in slow motion then. His body guards loaded there weapons and pointed it straight  at us. I turned to Aiden. Fear, regret, sadness and pity all swarmed in my eyes as if I knew this might be it.

"Ava just come back to us. You are not like these people. You don't have to do this!" I yelled my eyes directly on her

"Yes I do. I am doing this for Sophie. For my mum and dad." She shouted back.

"Sophie is dead Ava and so are your parents. But I ... I mean we I stretched out my hand to the others love you. I forgive you. It doesn't matter that you betrayed me. It really doesn't. I know you think this man will give you your parents and sister back but he is using you." I said gently

Enough! She cried

"No more games. Can't you see Tara, I was using you and your lover boy. I don't care about you, I never did." she said with so much finality

I always could brush off negative words like they were crumbs. But these set of words struck deep and I couldn't brush them off.

I walked over to her. In the background Aiden was shouting almost screaming my name but I ignored him.

"I know you don't ... you don't mean it..." I said my voice sounding small but my words fell on to death ears.

"Yes I do." She said with finality.

"What about all the things you said and those nights where I would come to you and comfort you , you can't just fake those things ! " I shouted

"What can I say a natural born actor." She said trying to see if I would challenge her further

I felt a sharp pain In my shoulders indicating that someone was holding me back. I looked back through my thrashing and squirming and it was two guards. Holding me like I weighed nothing. I screamed let me go but it was useless. Then the small man came and took my flower that was hanging from my pocket and went back to where he was standing.

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