Prank war has begun

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I woke up at the crack of dawn and headed to Tara's room to see her sprawled in a weird position with her curls sprayed everywhere and drool dripping out her mouth she looked kind of  cute. If only I had my phone right now to take a picture. I tiptoed in to her room  ready to wake her up when  an mischievous thought came into my head. I quickly dashed down stairs filled a jug to the top with cold water and ran upstairs. She was still asleep; I did a happy dance in my head. I went for the plunge. I dropped the cold water on her head and an ear splitting scream rang through  I bet the birds outside heard it and with that I knew it was my cue to run.

I was sleeping peacefully in my room having a good dream that somewhat had Aiden in it. That's when I felt icy cold water touch me. I shot up like a lightning bolt and screamed, my heart racing and I looked around frantically. Then it clicked it was Aiden I saw a glimpse of his white shirt before he left. Oh it's on now; two can play at this game I thought to myself. Breakfast rolled round and it was Aiden, Ava and I. From the looks of it Aiden looked regretful of the stunt he pulled but he tried to cover it with this care free attitude  but what he didn't know was I can read people. I knew what I was going to do but it was like the quote says all good things come to those who wait , only mine wasn't going to be good. I ate my breakfast peacefully whilst making small talk with Ava , now I know the reason of the flower me and her are much more close. After breakfast we went to the our headquarters that's disguised as a library and told everyone the plan well I didn't Aiden did. I still haven't talked to Aiden about the trip but I'll tell him later.

All throughout breakfast I kept sneaking glances at Tara to see if she is still angry about the earlier prank. Instead she was eating peace fully and talking to Ava. I'm not going to lie but I would rather Tara confront me than her be this calm it was making me edgy. Of course for my pride and ego I acted natural making it seem as if I am okay but on the inside all my organs were going up into a frenzy. I have started a prank war with the wrong person. I knew that Tara wouldn't go lightly either; oddly enough I was happy I mean the only Tara I have seen is the serious reserved one. So to see a playful side had me giddy. After breakfast we went off to head quarters and I told everyone the low down. I told everyone that we should start training so that if we were to venture off in to another town we would be prepared and it seemed everyone agreed with me. I looked around and mentally assigned everyone in groups so that way with different people training we can all get different skills. Once I was satisfied I started calling out names. And everyone went off to the training room.

Tara left immediately even though I said she was in my group with Ava and Fred. Something was off, everyone welcomed the idea of learning from each other and gaining new skills but she repelled from it and I had to quickly stop it. I jogged over to her and grabbed her elbow only  for her to pull it away from my grip. I should have known.

I asked "where are you going, you are training with us".

She replied with "I train alone."

"But how are you supposed to gain new skills if you don't train with others!" I shouted getting frustrated

"I guess I won't" she said with a shrug and walked off.

Phase one of plan complete. He thinks something is up with me but in reality I'm good. So you are probably thinking what am I doing, you are giving up on a chance to train with a hottie but don't worry. I'm going to train in the same place as them and then I'm going to pretend as if I have hurt myself and when Aiden comes over I'll grab him and show whose boss.

I walked to the training room and all eyes were on me.  The nerves were kicking in just keep walking to them punching bags I chanted in my head. People were whispering things , people looked at me with frowns on their faces , after all I was still the new girl and I did look like competition for some of the girls who did like Aiden. Lastly, I must look stuck up as I hadn't made no effort to make friends with the people here but it was difficult.  I made it to my destination and started punching it and  at first I wasn't trying because I had sensed the presence of Aiden and also he seemed to be over exaggerating his voice   to catch my attention which made me roll me eyes. I started punching the bag 'jap' 'jap jap' keeping this steady rhythm going. I was then consumed with so much emotions, that I was fully hitting the punching bag like it was a person. Going off the once steady rhythm. Kicking it , pushing it, punching it  you could hear every slam till I missed and hit the wall behind. I screamed  so loud everyone stopped this wasn't even part of my prank! Guess this serves me right though. As I expected Aiden was right by my side but it wasn't him I was focused on , it was my knuckle the deep purple covering my knuckle making all sorts of patterns and also the scowling girls that were screwing me. I pushed Aiden off of me and told him I got it. But that didn't stop him he is a persistent person. He led me to the door and we were both gone.


Authors note

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS !!!! hope all of you have had a good day with your families and to people that don't celebrate it hope you had a good day.

so we see a different side to Aiden and a bit to Tara,

do you think there would be romantic tension in the  next chapter?

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signed : precious x

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