Chapter 7: Ok enough with the surprises

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I woke up in a cold, dull, hospital room. I look around me. Beau was conked on the armchair next to the bed. I check my phone. 06:53. I've been out for nearly a day! My baby! I need to see her! "Morning beautiful mommy" I hear Beau say as he takes a big stretch. "Good to see your finally awake, i'll let the doctor know." Beau walks out the door and almost instantly walks back in with the doctor following behind him. "Good to see your awake, just an update on your baby girl, she's doing really well. She'll be in here for a few weeks but everything is looking good. Would you like to see her?" "of course!"

I got into my wheelchair and Beau pushed me down to the room where she was kept. We walked into the room she shared with another baby. They were both the smallest thing I have ever seen. "oh my god, she's the smallest thing I've ever seen!" I say looking back at Beau. He's standing far behind me, too scared to come any closer. "She won't hurt you Beau.... She's about 4 and a half pounds.... Can I hold her?" I ask the doctor. "Sure" he says gently lifting her out of the incubator, making sure she doesn't get tangled in the wires and places my baby girl in my arms for the first time. A tear trickles down my face of the beauty of my baby. I made her, Beau and I. Something and someone so precious.

"She's beautiful" I say looking over at Beau. "I know, I've been watching her all day." Beau says stepping closer. "i have an idea for a name.... Belle, it means Beautiful in French and it's the feminine of Beau, I've always loved that name and thought it was perfect." I look up at Beau to see what he thinks. "I love it" he replies "belle, belle brooks, yeah I like it!" He mutters under his breathe. *knock, knock* a nurse walks in, "Beau, your father is here to see you." "You must be confused, my dad left when I was a kid, I don't have a dad." A figure appeared from behind the nurse. "Hello son, remember me?, I'm here to visit my grandchild."

Decisions, Decisions (Beau Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now