Chapter 6: More surprises...

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(7 & 1/2 months into pregnancy)

I sit up in bed, a darting pain shouting from my stomach down. Something's not right. I turn on the lamp and adjust my eyes to the light. I look down, there's blood everywhere. "Beau, Beau wake up quickly! Something's wrong!" "Oh my god cara! There's blood everywhere, what's going on?!" "We need to get to the hospital now, something's wrong with the baby!" Ok, let's go." Beau throws on some clothes and grabs the keys. We quickly get into the car and drive to the hospital. Beau runs in the door ahead of me. The blood is still dripping from me. A nurse runs out with a wheelchair, I sit in and I'm rushed into an examination room. I sit up on the examination chair. "Name please" said the nurse. "Cara O'Connor" "age" .... "18" "And what happened?" "I sat up in bed with a severe pain and there was blood all over the bed." "ok the doctor will be in now." she said leaving the room. "I'm scared" I say looking over at Beau. "Me too babe, everything will be ok."

"Hello folks" the doctor says entering the room. "Let's have a look, shall we...... Ok, the baby is in a lot of distress we're going to have to give you an emergency C section, now." I look at Beau, my eyes full up with tears, I wasn't ready yet. I get taken into theatre, Beau comes in with me in his surgery outfit on, he even looked sexy in them! I need a needle inserted into me to numb the pain. Beau sits next to me. We stare into each other's eyes. A curtain gets put up so we don't see what's about to happen. I hear the noise of the blade cutting my belly open. I feel a rummaging and pulling in my stomach, a relief of pressure. "It's a girl" I hear someone say, and then silence. As if nothing in the world was making any noise.

I see a doctor run over to table and use a pump to pump air into my daughter. She wasn't breathing. I look into beaus eyes. They were filled with tears. I was in a state of shock, this was all happening too fast. And then suddenly the quietest noise... "Wahhhhh" My tiny baby was alive. The doctor walks over to me. "Congrats, you have a baby girl, we have to take her to the neo-nautil until because she is very small and her organs are not fully developed and cannot work on their own yet. The survival rate is high but all we can do is hope and wait."

I look over at Beau, "don't worry, we'll get through this" Beau says as we watch our little girl getting pushed down the corridor on a very small trolley followed by what seemed 100 doctors and machines.

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