Chapter 12- Baby Cupid

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"So where's this video being filmed?" I ask Luke. "Here, this has all the information you need" Luke replies handing me a piece of paper. "Beau is getting ready with Belle in our house to give you some time to get ready and maybe have a rest this afternoon, so just be at that location this evening, 7 pm we're going to start filming. I'll fill you in on what we're doing when you arrive, see you later. Oh and wear something nice! It's a new mockumentry" Luke says closing the door behind him. 'I've a wear something nice? For a mockumentry? That's new!' I think to myself. "Bye babe, see you later." Beau says running out the door with Belle in her baby carrier after Luke.

I look at my watch, 2 pm. I go upstairs, sleep for two hours, take a quick shower and rustle up some pasta for myself. I go back upstairs and put on my makeup, dry my hair and throw on a flower print dress that hides my excess baby fat, a pair of vans and the grey beanie Beau gave me on our first date. I grab my keys and drive to the location Luke told me to go to. It was a view overlooking LA, one of my favourite places. It was where Beau took me at the end of the night on your first date and we had our first kiss under the stars leaning against the bonnet of his car. I park my car and step out. Luke appears from behind the car parked next to mine. He's dressed in a black tuxedo. The day was beginning to become night and the stars were starting to come out.

"Madame, we have been waiting for you." Luke says linking my arm. A small red carpet proceeded up a short hill. Along the hill was James, Jai and skip, also in black tuxedos throwing rose petals, it was all quite cheesy, but I liked it. I saw Ronnie attempting to stay hidden behind a tree while trying to record the events. At the top of the hill was Beau, sitting on a picnic blanket with a picnic basket, overlooking the city of angels. He stood up.

"Hello Beautiful, I've been waiting." He says in a seductive tone. "Beau, what in the name of god is going on?" Daniel walks over and places a stool next to the picnic basket. "Take a seat." he says. As I sit down I see Lea emerge with a pram. Inside the pram was Belle, dressed in a Cupid costume. She looked adorable. She was holding a little black box. "Thank you my gorgeous baby girl." Beau says taking the box out of Belle's hands. Beau kneels down on one knee in front of me. My heart feels like it had stopped beating. "Cara, I'm presuming by now you know what is going on, this is my pathetic way of trying to be romantic. You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. From the first moment I met you, I knew we were meant for each other and we would spend the rest of our lives together. You are so funny, I always smile when I'm around you because with you, everything is okay. I'm not doing this because we had a baby together, a perfect one if I might add. I'm doing this because I love you more than anything and want to grow old with you, so would you be ever so kind, in doing me the honour of becoming my wife?"

Beau reveals the most stunning ring I have ever seen. The tears flood down my cheeks. "Of course!" I say throwing myself onto Beau. In that moment it felt like we were the only people on earth and each other was the only thing that mattered. We kissed passionately. Everyone emerges from behind us cheering. I pick up Belle and Beau gives us both a hug. "Congrats guys." shout Ronnie. Beau turns to the camera. "We're the janoskians and thankfully that was not a fail video!" Ronnie turns off the camera. "Good ending bro!" The boys each give me a hug one by one saying congratulations. "Engagement party tomorrow night at our house!" Beau shouts. "I'll get a babysitter for Belle and we can all have a good party, invite EVERYONE!, c'mon Babe, let's go home." Beau says grabbing me by the hips and pulling me closer and kissing me again. "I love you, thanks for saying yes!" "I love you too, thanks for asking."

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