Chapter 24- Police station

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"And what did you see when you looked up?" asked the policeman with a judgemental look upon his face. I take in a big breath. "I saw Mark." I say wiping tears off my cheeks. "Im sorry Cara, I know this is hard for you." apologises the policeman, softening his face and resting his hand on my knee. "We'll try again tomorrow if you'd like to?" he asked. "No, I want to get it over and done with please." I respond in an emotionless tone. I felt numb and empty inside, as if the gust of wind, blew everything out of me, all I was, was skin and bones.

"So, tell me what happened." he began. I looked to my right and saw Beau, sorrowfully looking at me, taking my hand.

"When we noticed Mark was gone, we knew to look in the wood area. When we found Craig's body, something told me that Mark was dead. Especially when we found the gun. He never would have shot himself for nothing, with Mark nowhere to be seen." My eyes became blurry again, I thought I was cried out. "I noticed red burn marks on Craig's hands, similar to the ones he had when I was a kid, I knew it was from a rope. When I discovered Mark, I saw the rope was...." I started to choke back my words. "It was around his neck, wrapped around a high branch and then tied onto a branch closer to the ground, that must have caused the burns." I begin to cry again. Beau gets out of seat and kneels in front of me. "I think you've had enough." he smiles at me with his swollen eyes, wiping the tears from my face. "Let's go and get Belle and go home." Beau says, standing up and extending his arm, gesturing me to take his hand. "Thank you for your time, soon to be Mrs. Brooks." interrupts the policeman, shaking my hand and opening the door for me.

When I walk out of this office, I see Gina and my mom, sitting and waiting to be called in. They still hadnt stopped crying, and I doubt my mom ever will. "I'm so sorry Cara, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." Gina sobs, standing up and throwing her arms around me. "it's ok Gina, it's not your fault, he still would have found us." I cry back. "C'mon Cara, let's go home and get some rest." says Beau, taking my hand and pulling my away from Gina's grasp.

"We must owe Hazel a lot of money!" jokes Beau, trying to lighten the mood, as we climb into the car. I give my best attempt to smile at Beau for making the effort. I sit into the car and stare out the window, and don't take my eyes off the outside world for the car journey home. We spent the car ride, in silence. Both conscious of each other reminiscing on memories with Mark without either one of us saying a word.

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