Chapter 3

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I just wanted to say something real quick.. It may seem like I'm rushing the story line and everything but I'm not. I have so much planned out and things may happen early in the book, but the entire book is about their relationship sooo.. x

oh yeah, the picture on this side is the dress Brooke wears x



"One date is all I need," Harry grinned, running a hand through his hair.

I nodded, biting back my own smile. "Where are you taking me and when? I need to know what to wear," I chuckled slightly.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Tonight at 6," he implied, tapping his fingers on the granite counter top.

"Harry," I whined. "you're acting like a five year old. Tell me where you're taking me," I groaned, walking closer to him.

"Maybe I don't want to tell you," he shrugged a smirk playing on his lips.

"You're so infuriating," I shrieked, throwing my hands up.

I've known this boy for not even 48 hours and yet I know so much about him.

Like how annoying and obnoxious he can be, just because he likes to see you get all worked up. How he'll pester you for something until he gets his way. How he loves to be so carefree and not serious all the time. Or how he hates people who complain too much.

I already know that he runs his hands through his mop of hair way too many times, and he hates it when people hate him.

He told me he loves the sound of thunder and rain hitting the roof late at night. He told me he loves it when someone smiles and their whole face lights up as well.

I could go on forever about his likes and dislikes. Just from one night, one night observing him, and one night of him telling me all about him, you would think I've known him for years.

"I enjoy watching you get all flustered about it, I find it amusing," Harry admitted, sending me a cheeky grin.

I rolled my eyes.

"I actually don't know where to take you," Harry laughed. "Uh.. probably to a restaurant,"

"Fancy or casual restaurant?" I questioned, biting my bottom lip.

"In between. I saw this restaurant a few days ago when I went to the grocery store with Liam, so I'll take you there," Harry announced, smiling.

I offered him a smile, ignoring my heart thumping loudly in my chest. "Ok,"

"I'll pick you up at 5," he stated and started walking.

I walked him towards the door. "See you then,"

His grin mimicked mine as he walked down the front stairs and to his car.

I watched him drive away before I went back inside.

A squeal left my mouth as I danced around my kitchen, throwing my hands up in the air.

The squeal was cut short when my head snapped over to the clock on the wall.

2:43 PM

I sprinted out of the kitchen and up the stairs that led to my room, only tripping once.

I launched myself on my bed and searched for my phone. When I had a hold on it I unlocked it and composed as new text. 

Bottomless Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now