Chapter 10

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you see,

you and i are simply

the shore and the tides

can't you see

the ocean constantly

chasing the shores?


the ocean never learns

and nor will I



I am the ocean

and you

are the tides



"Shh, its ok, it's just a movie," Harry soothed, rubbing my back comfortingly as I sobbed into his chest.

"B-B-But he... and Allie... she loved him and he loved her and she has to go to New York and leave Noah and it's just.. he loved her so much and they waited 7 years before seeing each other and she thought h-he didn't write to her and.." I exclaimed hysterically, clenching the fabric of Harry's shirt.

I felt Harry's chest rumble with laughter. "Come on, why don't we stop watching the movie for a bit, and I'll cook you some food?" Harry suggested, sitting up from the couch, holding me in his arms.

I sniffed, wiping my eyes with the back of my hands. "B-But the movie," I squeaked, pointing to the paused tv.

Harry smiled, reaching up to wipe the tears from my cheeks. I drew in a hollowed breath, my eyes meeting his. His face was close to mine, so close that I could feel his minty, warm breath hit my face.

Sometimes no words can describe the feelings you get for someone so special.

"We can watch it after we eat," Harry announced.

I nodded, clearing my throat as I stood up.

I rolled the blanket we were using into a ball and placed it on the couch, following Harry out.

I hopped into the kitchen, hopping onto the countertop.

"What are you making?" I interrogated, swinging my legs back and forth.

He placed his phone in the iHome, turning the stereo on before going to his music. "I have no idea,"

Harry hit shuffle on his music, turning around to face me. "What do you want?"

I tapped my chin with my index finger. "Hmmm," I hummed, "mac and cheese,"

He nodded, stepping over to the cabinet.

"Thanks baby," I cooed, blowing him a kiss.

Harry rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his cute little lips.

(Song; God Damn You're Beautiful by Chester See; video on the side if you wanna hear it while reading this)

"On the days I can't see your eyes, I don't even want to, open mine. On the days I can't see your smile, well I'd rather sit and wait the while. For the days I know you'll be near, 'cause I day without you just isn't fair. See the days I can hear your voice, I'm left without a choice,"

Bottomless Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now