Chapter 30

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do you guys want me to keep this cover for the book or change it to the first one I had? x

I dragged my tiresome body down the hallway, my sock covered feet sliding with ease against the hardwood floor.

The sound of ringing brought my daze to an end as I brought my phone to my face, tapping answer.

"Hello?" I yawned, resting my elbow on the cold, granite countertop. I dropped my head into my hand, forcing my heavy eyes to stay opened.


The voice make my eyes instantly perk up, my heart kicking up a speed.

"Harry," I grinned foolishly, standing up and stretching my weak limbs.

"Hey baby," he breathed out, his gravelly voice sending sparks off on my skin.

"Hey," I exhaled, strolling over to the kettle, which still contained water from last night, and turned the stove on.

"How did you sleep?" he inquired.

I snatched a mug from the cabinet, resting it on the counter as I got a tea bag.

I shrugged, despite the fact he couldn't see me. "Eh.. I sleep better when you're next to me,"

"Tell me about it," he sighed, and I could just picture him pulling his bottom lip between his two fingers as a silly habit of his. "just a few more days,"

I couldn't contain the smile that took place upon my lips. "Can't wait,"

"Me too,"

I jumped onto the counter, swinging my legs. "I miss you sleeping beside me,"

"It's almost like I can't sleep without your breathing," he whispered.

I smiled, leaning back. "I can't sleep without your fingers tracing my bare skin,"

"I can't sleep without your legs tangled with mine and your face nuzzled in my neck,"

I closed my eyes, the smile not faltering from my lips once. "I love you,"

"I love you more Brooke," Harry admitted.

The loud whistle coming from the kettle tore me from the conversation.

I hopped off the counter, my feet landing skillfully on the tiled kitchen floor. I twisted the knob from the stove, all the way to the right, shutting it off. I picked up the kettle by the handle and poured the boiling water into the mug, watching the water turn a different color from the tea bag.

"So I was thinking," Harry began, breaking the comfortable silence that surrounded us. "we could go somewhere when I get back,"

I rose an eyebrow, placing the kettle back onto the stove burner. "Go somewhere as in....?" I trailed off, anticipating for him to continue and be a bit more elaborate.

"As in a road trip or something. I don't know, somewhere to get away. Just you and I,"

I grinned, the memory of spray painting the back of an abandon building. "Just you and I against the world right?"

"Of course,"

I took a sip from the mug. "I think it's a great idea babe,"

"Good, I think it would be fun,"

I nodded, "It would be,"

Harry didn't reply as I heard muffled voices in the background and then a groan from Harry. "Sorry babe, I have to go. I'll call you tonight, yeah?"

"Okay, have fun," I spoke, picking at my fingernails.

"I will. I love you,"

"I love you too," I smiled, ending the call.

I placed the mug, which was still full except from the one little sip I took, down.

Shuffling over to the refrigerator, I grasped the cool handles and swung it opened. I snatched the carton of eggs and the package of cheese before closing the doors. I placed the two items on the counter and walked over to the cabinet which held all the pots and pans.

I grabbed a pan, placing it on the stainless steal stove. Turning on the flame, I turned the knob until it was in-between a low two and three.

I hopped over to a different cabinet and stood on my tippy toes to snag a small bowl.

I cursed under my breath when I couldn't reach it.

I huffed impatiently before hoisting myself up on the counter. I grabbed the bowl and hopped off the countertop.

I placed the bowl next to the carton of eggs. Opening the styrofoam container, I carefully pulled two eggs out. I slickly cracked both over the side of the bowl and let the whites of the egg pour into the bowl, making sure not to get any yoke inside.

When I had both eggs cracked I poured them in the pan, creating a slight sizzle. I lightly dropped the bowl in the sink and put the egg carton away. After I threw the egg shells away, I put two pieces of bread in the toaster.

I grabbed a spatula and walked back over to the stove. I moved the cooking egg around, sliding the utensil underneath and flipped the perfect circle of egg.

I snatched a clean plate and took the two pieces of toast out, dropping it on the plate.

I watched carefully as the eggs slowly cooked.

I hummed a long to a random song that was in my head, swaying my hips along as well.

After what seemed like forever, the eggs seemed cooked. I opened the package of cheese and took two slices out before closing the package back up. I placed the cheese on the eggs and flipped the egg over until it looked like an omelet.

I turned the stove off and grabbed the handle of the pan. I tipped the pan sideways over one piece of toast on my plate, letting the eggs slip out and land perfectly on the toast. I dropped the other piece of toast over the eggs, making an egg sandwich.

I smiled at my masterpiece before I clutched the plate and walked over to the table.

I sat down and placed my plate down in front of me.

I picked up the hot breakfast in my hands, leaning down to take a bite.

Knocking at the front door resulted in me placing my food back down with a groan.

I wandered over to the door, swinging it open.

Anna stood on the other side with a full blown grin on her face. "Hey!"

I laughed, gesturing for her to come in. "What are you doing here?"

She stepped inside, shutting the door behind herself. "I'm staying with mom again,"

"Dad let you stay with her for another weekend?" I rose an eyebrow.

She nodded. "As long as I'm out of his way, he's fine,"

I rolled my eyes, walking away from her. "Did you eat breakfast?"

"Yeah. Nothing like mom's pancakes," she laughed, following me into the kitchen.

I chuckled, sitting back down in my seat. "Tell me about it,"

I took a bite from my warm egg sandwich, watching Anna glance around.

"How are you and Harry?" she asked, her eyes landing upon me once again.

I shrugged. "We're fine, just as good as last weekend when I told you the same thing," I laughed, nudging her shoulder.

"Shut up," she groaned, leaning back in her seat.

"We're good," I answered seriously. "we're going on a trip when he comes back,"

"Really?" she smiled. "where?"

I picked at the egg, pulling out the yoke. "Uh.. I have no idea,"

She rolled her eyes. "That's good.. very nice,"

I chuckled. "Shut up shorty,"

Anna leaned over, punching my arm. "Come on asshole, we're going to mom's,"

I let my hands glide over the coolness of the slightly dampness of the freshly cut grass beneath me, a calm breeze tossing my hair over my right shoulder and across my face and chest.

Tucking my hair behind my ear, I laid back on the surprisingly comfortable ground, the single pieces of grass tickling the back of my uncovered neck.

My eyes traveled over the whole expanse of the sky, mindlessly observing the constellations.

"How do you think the constellations came to be?" Anna wondered, her soft voice being suppressed by the violent sway of the wind.

I never really understood the naming of the constellations, but it is so intriguing.

"I'm not really sure, but they are beautiful," I whispered, my eyes not seeming to get enough of the breathless sky.

I've always wanted to know more about the stars above me that scattered across the dark sky every night.

"It's raining. Should we go inside?" Anna asked, sitting up.

I shut my eyes, relishing the sweet, relaxing feeling of the pellets falling upon my exposed skin. "Give me a minute,"

The cold rain kneaded my skin as the drops assaulted my flesh.

"Come on I'm getting wet," she complained, tugging my arm.

I let out a groan, my eyes fluttering open. "You really don't know how to relax do you?"

I allowed Anna to drag my limp body off the floor, huffing with protest.

"Oh I'm sorry I just don't find getting drenched in rain relaxing," she muttered, rolling her eyes.

She yanked me up with a grunt, dropping my hand when I was steadily on the ground.

I mumbled incoherently under my breath, strolling through the yard, to the glass sliding doors.

"Hot chocolate?" mom greeted us with large mugs, practically spilling over with whipped cream.

I grinned, taking the steaming mug from her grasp. "Thanks mom," I happily smiled, swiping my tongue across the whipped cream.

"Of course," she smiled, before stepping back to the kitchen.

I traced my steps up the stairs, and to my room, the hot mug still held in my hands.

I kicked the door shut behind me, placing the hot chocolate on the nightstand before I fell back onto my bed.

I kicked off the black UGG's that hugged my feet firmly, letting them fall to the floor with a quiet thud.

I sipped my journal, that I found, out of underneath the pillow, and flipped it open to an empty page.

I let my head hit the headboard as I pictured Harry, and all new emotions came flooding in like a tsunami.

The pen traced along the paper, as I wrote down what was held in my mind.

(A/N; parts of this journal entry happens to be parts of poems/things enissophobia from instagram writes. I'm giving her full credit for the beautiful words x)

October 20th, 10:24 PM

Our love is the stars.

Shining bright against the dark.

Your touch is the fireworks.

Our embrace causing sparks.

Every kiss is like sweet whiskey, drunken off your soft lips.

Caress me ever so lovingly, I long for the feel of your fingertips.

The warmth of your body, radiates under the covers for my heart belongs to you, my one and only lover.

You are the wings behind my back.

Every time we touch I seem to fly higher and higher until the oxygen becomes thinner and I find it hard to breathe and I see stars, those beautiful twinkling stars, in your beautiful, twinkling eyes.

But every time we part, I seem to stop flying and I begin to fall down, and down, until I fall back into my ocean of despair;

Longing for your sweet scent, once again.

I was cut from my thoughts, my cramped hand getting a moment of rest, as my phone vibrated.

I leaned over, snatching it from where I last deposited it.

Instantly knowing who it was, I answered it. "Hey baby," I smiled, placing the pen down as I shut the journal.

"Hey babe, how was your day?" he kindly asked.

I took a sip from the hot chocolate, which was more room temperature now. "Very good, how was yours?"

"It was very good as well. But you know I just want to take you and wrap you up in my arms. I want to hold and console you,"

"Sing to me," I whispered, my tone coaxed full of plead.

I shut my eyes, waiting for his voice to fill my ears and settle in my bones.

"I miss the sound of your voice and I miss the rush of your skin and I miss the still of the silence, as you breathe out and I breathe in. If I could walk on water, if I could tell you what's next. I'd make you believe I'd make you forget. So come on, get higher, loosen my lips faith and desire and the swing of your hips just pull me down hard and drown me in love. So come on, get higher, loosen my lips, faith and desire and the swing of your hips just pull me down hard and drown me in love,"

I could just imagine him beside me, holding me firmly in his comforting arms.

I could just imagine his warm, tickling breath fanning out against my neck as I'm curled into his side with my head resting against his chest.

I could just imagine his fingers tracing random shapes against my skin, which results in a layer of goosebumps to arise upon my skin.

"I miss the sound of your voice, loudest thing in my head and I ache to remember all the violent, sweet, perfect words that you said. If I could walk on water, if I could tell you what's next, I'd make you believe, I'd make you forget. So come on, get higher, loosen my lips faith and desire and the swing of your hips, just pull me down hard and drown me in love. So come on, get higher, loosen my lips, faith and desire and the swing of your hips just pull me down hard and drown me in love

I could just imagine his thick, husky voice, coaxed in sleep, murmuring sweet words into my ear as I'm drifting in and out of sleep.

I could just imagine his arms tightening around me randomly in the middle of the night, as if he thinks I would leave him.

"I miss the pull of your heart, I taste the sparks on your tongue, I see angels and devils and God, when you come on hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. "Cause everything works, love, everything works in your arms,"

I smiled, my eyes opening for the first time since he began singing. "I miss you,"

"I miss you too baby, so much," Harry reassured.

"You'll hold me tight when I see you again right?" I asked, mostly begged. "I need you to hug me really tight and tell me you love me,"

"I will baby, I will,"

I shut my eyes again, a content, safe emotion enveloping me and leaving sleep to intertwine within.

He's more than a lover.

There could never be another one to make me feel the way he does.

I fall in love all over, every time I look at him.

I don't know where I would be without him here with me.

Life with him makes perfect sense.

He's my lover.

My other half.

Bottomless Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now