Chapter 7

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again, I want to quickly say that I'm not rushing the story line. You might think it's ridiculous for things like this to happen so early in the book but please bare with me. the whole story is about their relationship and how it unfolds and things like that. I know how this story is ending up. Think of it like The Notebook, Allie and Noah fell inlove so quickly in the beginning, so this is ok lol xx

My eyes darting from star to star as we walked through the massive wheat field.

"I like to get lost in nature sometimes," Harry admitted, laughing quietly to himself.

"The stars shine so bright here," I whispered in amazement.

"I know, it's breathtakingly beautiful," he mumbled softly.

I looked over at him, and he was looking at me with a small smile.

I smiled back at him before looking back up at the sky. "Wow," I breathed out.

"Yeah," Harry breathed back, his body closed to mine.

I glanced over at him, a warm feeling washing over me as he stared down intensely at me.

He leaned down, so his lips were brushing my ear. His warm, spine-chilling breath trickled down my neck, making the hairs on the back of my neck rise.

He poked me on my shoulder before opening his mouth. "Tag, you're it," he whispered, before sprinting away and leaving me breathless in spot.

I watched as he jogged the opposite way that I was, his laughter filling the night air and mixing with the sound of the crickets.

I shook of the clouded feeling. "HARRY!" I shouted after him, making him howl louder in laughter.

I let out a noise, which sounded to be a mix between a huff and a laugh, before running after him.

The wind, mixed with the air as I ran, blew past me, making my hair shoot behind and bounce behind myself.

I sprinted through the tall fields of wheat grass, chasing after a hysterical boy.

"Harry you're such a prick!" I screamed over the sound of wind filling my ears.

He barked out in laughter, slowing down ever so slightly so I caught up.

When he realized I was close he sped up again, but this time I kept up. When I thought I was close enough I lunged forward, tackling him to the ground.

Harry gasped, not expecting me to shove him to the ground. He ended up under me, our laughter was loud and seemed to drown out the obnoxious sound of crickets.

I leaned my head down on his chest, trying to regain my breath. "You're an arrogant asshole,"

He laughed breathlessly. "I know,"

I grinned down at him, rolling off of his body and onto the grassy ground next to him.

"This is so calming," Harry exclaimed after a few minutes of silence. "no fans or paparazzi are here, I actually feel like a normal kid,"

I tilted my head so I was staring at him. He kept his eyes on the stars, examining each one carefully. "You are a normal kid, just with a crazy job. And everyone loves you, and likes to follow you around,"

He chuckled. " I guess you're right,"

I scoffed, playfully shoving him. "I'm always right,"

He stood up, rolling his eyes at me. "Let's go back to the car,"

I reached my arm up, silently signaling for him to pull me up.

He snorted, yanking me up with ease. "You're so incredibly lazy, it's ridiculous,"

I giggled, stumbling into his chest. "Sorry, I think it runs in my family,"

Harry laughed, the moon radiating down over us, making it easier to make out his facial structure. His eyes beamed, happiness swimming around in them as they sparkled into mine.

I shoved him in front of me, his back facing towards me. I hopped on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Carry me," I demanded, drawing out the two words slowly. I placed my head on his shoulder, waiting for him to reply.

He sighed deliberately. "I'm starting to think you only want me around so I could be your personal transportation," he muttered, beginning to walk.

I giggled softly. "Aw damn you figured it out,"

Harry laughed but didn't reply.

We walked back to the car in a comfortable silence. I didn't notice how far we ran, until we had to walk the whole way back. Well Harry did, I was carried.

"Do you want to sleep on the roof of the car?" Harry inquired, placing me carefully on the grass.

I gave him a look, narrowing my eyes at him. "Won't that hurt?"

Harry shook his head. "I got a few sweatshirts in the back of my car, we can lay on them,"

I shrugged. "Sure,"

Harry grinned, opening his car door. I shifted back and forth on my feet as he pulled out a few hoodies. He stood up straight, placing them on the roof of the car before turning around to look at me. "Do you think you can get up there yourself or do you need my help?"

I bit my lip. "I think I can do it,"

He nodded, moving out of the way. I slipped out of my flip flops, placing them on the back seat before stepping on the seat, hoisting myself up onto the car roof.

When my arms were up, I pulled the rest of my body up, sitting up criss cross.

I glanced down at Harry, sending him a cheeky grin. "I did it,"

Harry laughed. "I see that," he did the same as I did, but it seemed to be a lot easier for him, considering he is many inches taller than I am.

When Harry was sat next to me, he laid out the sweatshirts like a bed, so it would be a little more comfier to lay on.

I let out a yawn, snuggling into Harry's side. "You're warm," I commented, closing my eyes.

Harry chuckled, wrapping his arm around me. "Are you cold?"

I shook my head. "No I'm just saying you're warm,"

Harry laughed again, kicking his shoes off.

Before I even noticed it, I drifted out into sleep.

"Brooke wake up," Harry's deep voice, thick from sleep, trailed through my ears.

I let out a deliberate groan, stuffing my face into what seemed to be his chest. "No,"

He laughed, making his chest vibrate and the feeling sent chills through my bones.

"Let's do something fun, considering we are already out here," he suggested with a chuckle, his hand running up and down my back.

I couldn't help but notice the feeling that drowned inside of me as his fingers trailed up and down the thin fabric of my shirt that hugged my body.

"Sleeping is ecstatic Harry, you woke me up in the middle of the night to take me here. Let me sleep," I moaned, burying my face deeper into his clothed chest.

"You're so boring," Harry groaned, dropping his head back onto the roof of the car.

I slapped his chest, without opening my eyes. "It was your idiotic idea to sleep on the fucking roof of this car, my back is so sore,"

"It seemed like a fantastic idea in the spur of the moment, and you agreed to do so, so don't blame it all on me," Harry huffed, sitting up which made my head fall off his chest.

I opened my eyes, slowly sitting up as well. I sent him a glare. "I was comfy,"

He gave me a look. "You just said you're sore..."

"But your chest is comfy," I stated, poking it.

"Is that a fat joke?" Harry gasped, placing a hand over his chest.

I giggled, rolling my eyes. "Oh shut up Harry. You and I both know there's not one ounce of fat on your body,"

Harry smirked, hopping off the roof of the car, holding the sweatshirts in his hands. "Come on, I have a good idea on what we can do,"

"You're so adventurous," I commented, running my hands over my face.

"You told me you love doing things adventurous when I first met you," Harry pointed out, throwing the sweatshirts in the car.

I smiled. He remembers. "Yeah, I didn't say I didn't like to,"

"So lets go!" he practically shouted.

I looked over the edge of the car, gulping nervously.

"What is miss almighty scared?" Harry gasped mockingly, his eyes wide.

I pouted. "Shut up,"

He laughed, holding his hand up.

I grabbed onto it, leaping off the car. His arms wrapped around my waist, saving me from plummeting onto my face. "Thanks," I laughed when he placed me down onto the ground.

His hand snatched mine, making fire ignite inside of me, and he began running; pulling me with him.

Not bothering to argue with him again, I kept my mouth shut and didn't comment on not having shoes on, and let him pull me wherever he wanted.

We ended up at the lake, standing close to the edge.

Harry ripped off his shirt, throwing it helplessly onto the floor.

I gulped, trying to keep my eyes away but ended up racking them over his body. "What are you doing?" I simply asked, my hands getting clammy as he pulled off his pants and left him in black boxers.

"Going swimming, join me," he stated, diving into the water.

When his head popped up I gave him a look. "But I don't have a bikini with me,"

"So go in your bra and panties, it's the same thing," Harry shrugged, bobbing back and forth.

I giggled hysterically. "Panties. That's such a funny word,"

Harry laughed, rolling his eyes. "Come on miss maturity,"

I huffed. "Don't look," I demanded.

Harry scoffed. "Come on Brooke, I've seen you in a bikini,"

I narrowed my eyes down at him. "Harry," I sternly demanded.

He raised his hands in surrender. "Ok ok,"

I waited until he closed his eyes before I turned my back to him. I pealed off the t-shirt I was wearing, slipping out of my shorts as well; leaving me in my matching navy blue bra and underwear that had an off-white trimming on both.

I spun around, gasping at Harry who was watching my every move. "Harry!" I squealed, going to cover my chest,

His eyes were dark, and an intense look was held on his face. He snapped out of his trance, his cheeks a tinted pink. "Sorry!" He shut his eyes even when I dove in next to him.

"We've been in here all day, I got somewhere else to take you," Harry mysteriously said, hopping out of the water.

He slipped his clothes back on over his wet self, waiting for me who was still treading water.

I frowned. "But it's so fun here,"

He rolled his eyes. "We'll come back another day. Maybe,"

I pulled myself out of the water, my fingers looking like prunes.

I quickly slipped back into my clothes, not enjoying being watched by Harry.

We made it back to the car and I slid into the passenger seat, Harry hopped into the drivers seat.

"Where are you taking me?" I pushed, bouncing up and down in the seat, making my damp hair move around.

Harry slyly grinned, keeping his eyes on the road in front of us. "I'm not telling you,"

"Why not?" I pouted, poking his arm repeatedly.

He shrugged. "Because I'm not,"

I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest and looking out the window. "Well what if I don't like where you're taking me?"

"Then I might as well throw you out of the car," Harry explained in a deadpan expression.

My head snapped in his direction, my eyes wide.

"Aw come on, we're going to have fun," he playfully shoved my shoulder, his eyes glistening with delight as they traced the road in front of us.

"Yeah, well I'm not really sure if I understand what your definition of fun is," I muttered, playing with the tips of my hair.

"What? You don't trust me? I'm hurt," Harry placed a hand on his chest where his heart would be, giving me a pained expression, contradicting the laughter that danced in his eyes.

"Well considering you just threatened to throw me out of the car, I'm not sure if I fully trust you at the moment,"

Harry howled in laughter, keeping his two hands firmly on the steering wheel. "I was just messing with you, we're going back to the hotel,"

I huffed. "You're so-"

"-annoying, I know," Harry flashed me a grin, which made my stomach flutter.

What's going on with me?

"No Harry, you don't need to add anymore milk!" I shrieked shoving him away.

He frowned, closing the carton. "But there's too many eggs,"

I shook my head. "No there isn't!"

"Yes!" he fought, pointing to the French toast batter. "you can barely see the milk,"

I groaned, flipping a piece of toast on the stove. "We're making French toast Harry, it doesn't need that much milk,"

Harry huffed, stalking over to the refrigerator to put the milk away. "Ok well I'm blaming you if they come out bad,"

"It's only us two eating anyways," I rolled my eyes, leaning against the counter. "if they come out bad we could always order take out,"

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Why are we having French toast for dinner?"

I shrugged. "Because they're really good,"

"You're going to have to sleep in my room tonight," Harry announced, shutting the door.

I sprawled out on his bed. "Ok,"

"I can sleep on the floor in here, or on the couch in the-" Harry began babbling.

I rolled my eyes. "Harry shut up, sleep here with me. It's your room anyway,"

He sat down on the edge of his bed, "Yeah but-"

I gave him a look. "No I want you to stay,"

Something flickered inside of his eyes, and I couldn't figure out what it was but it made my insides tingle.

A smile filled his lips. "Ok,"

Light shined through the thin, pale curtains.

The only warmth that I was feeling from this cold room was the heavy blankets and the breathing body beside me.

My eyes slowly fluttered opened, clouded over from the long sleep.

I looked up, my eyes landing on a bare chest. My eyes widened slightly in surprise as I looked up, a sleeping Harry under me.

A soft smile spread across my lips at the sight of his peaceful face. I pulled the blanket tighter around my body, shimming closer into Harry's side.

His arm tightened around my waist as he pulled me even closer to him, his hand gripping my hip.

An eruption of tingles shot through my body, making me shiver.

I leaned my head back on his chest, loving the rhythm of his breathing.

I kept my eyes on his face, watching his lips and how they were placed in a small, content smile.

I sighed quietly, intrigued by the way his eyelashes lightly fluttered and his nose wiggled every so slightly.

Harry is absolutely flawless.

Without a doubt, he is incredibly good looking.

He has the perfect face. His gorgeous, breathtaking forest, jade color eyes and how they darted around when they looked at something. His long, voluminous eyelashes that every girl for sure envied. His cute little button nose. Let's not forget his astonishing, pearly white smile; the way his lips curve into that sly little smirk. And to rap it all together, his adorable dimples in the mists of his cheeks.

Harry's tall, lean body is just as perfect as his face.

I shouldn't have thoughts like this, I know I shouldn't feel like this, especially with him but I couldn't help but be so engrossed in him.

Maybe it's ok to like him.

"Morning love," Harry's husky and raspy voice breathed out.

My breath hitched in the back of my throat and I struggled to find my voice. "Hi,"

His green eyes locked on mine, the piercing color captured me, making my head spin and my stomach flip. A cute little grin filled his pink little lips, making his perfect dimples pop out. "You're comfy,"

A chill washed over me when his deep, sleepy voice ran through my ears.

I quirked an eyebrow. "Well Harry, I'd have to say the same to you," I giggled softly, reaching up to poke his dimple.

His eyes widened. "Did you just touch the dimple?" his voice was even deeper than usual, aggressiveness dripped from his tone.

I pulled my hand back, shrugging sheepishly. "I may or may not have," I smiled cheekily.

Amusement and happiness swirled in his eyes as he fought back a grin. He sat up slowly, making me slide off of him, onto the plush mattress.

Harry slowly crawled over to me, his eyes dark. "Well," he started, a husky tone came from his perfect little mouth. "you may or may not get a visit from the tickle monster,"

I gasped, pulling the blanket above my head before he could touch me. I crawled up in a ball, holding my sides protectively. "NO!"

The blanket was immediately torn away from me, making a cloud of cold air hit my body.

A cheeky smirk was full on his lips as he easily pulled my body out off a ball.

Easily, Harry picked my body up and threw my down, straddling my hips. His massive hands grabbed my sides as he began tickling me fiercely.

My head tossed back onto the bed as a loud, fit of laughter fell from my mouth.

I squirmed around under Harry, trying to get him off of me but he wouldn't budge. "H-Harry! Sto-" I was cut off by my own laughter.

Harry was laughing just as hard as I was, as he watched me struggle to breathe.

My eyes were squinted and tears rolled down the side of my face. My stomach was cramping from the hard, heaves of laughter.

"H-Harry.... let me g-go!" I giggled, kicking my legs.

Harry was about to answer until he was cut off by the bedroom door opening. "Harry, you need to-"
Both our heads snapped over to the door where Zayn stood.

Zayn's eyebrows were raised and a smirk was playing on his lips.

My eyes widened and I pushed Harry off of me. "It's not what it looks like. He tackled me,"

I sent a look in Harry's direction, smirking at his face.

He stuck his tongue out at me, in which I returned.

Zayn chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. "I don't even want to know,"

Harry laughed, ruffling his hair before pulling on a shirt. "What did you say? I didn't hear you,"

"Oh right," Zayn cleared his throat, sending me a look as he began to talk. "You still have to call management back about how long we're staying here for,"

Harry sucked in a breath of air but nodded. "Thanks mate," He quickly slipped on a pair of sweats before patting Zayn on the back. He gave me a smirk as he left the room.

I giggled, stumbling off the bed.

Zayn grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, walking passed him. "Don't even start Zayn,"

"Oh don't worry Brooke I didn't even think of it," Zayn spoke back, amusement dripping from his tone. "But since you brought it up..."

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