Chapter 4

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"Leave it to you to get the nicest hotel in the city," I scoffed, unbuckling the seatbelt that was clipped across my body.

Harry laughed. "Well we do get money,"

I stuck my tongue out at him before hopping out off the car.

"NO!" Harry shrieked, running over to my side of the car. "I'm suppose to open the door for you! What do you think you're going?!"

I couldn't help the smile that spread its way to my face at his dramatic attitude. "I'm getting out of the car? What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Get back in the car Brooklynn, and let me help you out," Harry demanded, gesturing to the car.

I raised an eyebrow, placing my hand on my hip. "Not with that attitude,"

He sighed. "Please get in the car?"

I groaned. "You're so complicated," I grumbled under my breath as I climbed back out of the car, slamming it closed.

Harry grinned, opening the car door.

"What a gentleman you are," I huffed, stepping down into the blacktop.

"I try incredibly hard," he proclaimed, resting his hand on my lower back as he guided me to the doors.

"If you are  as oh so famous, as you say you are, where are your fans and paparazzi?" I remarked, smirking when we walked into the lobby.

"They don't know which hotel we're at," Harry shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course,"

He snorted. "Just you wait,"

I huffed, tossing my hair over my shoulder, letting it cascade down my back. "Ok,"

Harry clicked the up bottom for elevator. It opened immediately and we walked into the vacant space.

I watched as he clicked floor 6, and the doors closed; leaving us in the small, closed area.

"What if your friends don't like me?" I brought my hand up to my mouth, biting my fingernails nervously.

A frown fell into place on Harry's face. "Why would they not like you?"

I shrugged, glancing down at my feet.

"Look at me," Harry demanded.

I didn't flinch, suddenly more interested on my feet.

Before I could even blink, Harry placed his fingers under my chin and forced my head up. Our eyes connected, making my breath hitch in the back of my throat.

"They'll love you. Honestly, what's not to like about you?" he whispered, his warm breath hitting my face; making goosebumps rise on my arms, and the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

 I didn't say anything, I honestly couldn't find my voice to even give him a small noise of assurance that I just heard the words he spoke.

Our eyes stayed connected as silence blanketed over the minuscule elevator. His eyes captured me, making it nearly impossible to glance away.

The light, ding noise sounded and the doors opened.

Harry and I stepped away, neither of us saying anything as we walked down the hallway.

"Harry," I said when I stopped walking and he didn't.

He continued walking, completely unaware of my presence not next to him.

"Harry!" I spoke louder.

He turned around, shaking off his dazed look before his eyes met mine. "Oh why did you stop walking?" He chuckled and jogged over to me.

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "These shoes are giving me blisters. I was about to take them off but I wanted you to wait for me,"

He blinked. "Why take them off?"

I gave him a look. "Didn't you just here me say they're giving me blisters?"

"Yeah?" Harry trailed off.

"So that's why I'm taking them off.." I slowly interpreted, confused on what he doesn't understand.

"There's no need to take them off when I could just carry you," he implied, sweeping me up in his arms, bridal style, before I could protest.

Bottomless Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now