Chapter 37

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Third person POV

(im sorry, i know you guys hate my writing when i write in third person pov but you know what this is my story so if i format it a certain way, i just want you guys to point out the good, not the bad. love you all x)

"I feel so free," Brooke uttered, her soft voice mixing with the loud sound of the wind from the rolled down windows.

Despite it being the beginning of November, Harry had all four windows down, because the wind makes it all so much better.

The heat was blasting, so the chilly fall night wasn't bothering them at all.

Harry smiled, the music from his playlist tied the whole thing together.

Brooke leaned her head out of the window, her arms folded and resting on the edge of the window as she rested her head on her arms. She watched carefully, making sure to take in everything they passed.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment, but did you get your... period yet?" Harry brought up after a few minutes.

"Yeah I did," Brooke replied simply, leaning her head against the door, the wind feeling incredibly refreshing.

"That would have been a bloody disaster it never came," Harry chuckled to himself.

"Do you think you're funny?" Brooke resorted, hiding her amusement.

"You're right, pms jokes aren't funny. Period," Harry said, pulling his lips into a thin line to hide the grin that tried to peek out.

Brooke snorted. "That was horrible. Boooo! You suck,"

"So your period wasn't on time? I guess you just went with the flow,"

"Harry shut the fuck up," Brooke groaned, turning her head away from him to hide the smile that found its way to her face.

"One more?" He practically giggled, making Brooke smile even more.

"Fine whatever," she sighed dramatically, but inside, she loved having Harry joke around like this.

"When do girls get mad?" he questioned, taking a quick look at Brooke before looking at the road again.

"When?" Brooke chuckled, rolling her eyes at the full blown grin on his face.

"Periodically," he snorted, slamming his hand down on the steering wheel as a fit of laughter erupted from his perfectly structured mouth.

Brooke bit the inside of her cheek to hold in the laugh that tried to spill, which ended up sounding a mix between a cough and a snort. "You're ridiculous Harry," she laughed, the laughter she tried to stifle but failed.

There was something about Brooke's laughter that sent a wave of peace and pleasure over Harry. Hearing her laughter is something Harry adores.

"I love you," he smiled over at her briefly before facing the road again.

Brooke's laughter simmered down to a smile. "I love you too Harry,"

"Oh!" Harry jumped, snatching his phone from the console as the reached to a stop at a red light. "I heard a song that fit us perfectly and I wanted to show you,"

Brooke smiled at it. "Let me hear,"

"I'm looking for it," he stated, scrolling through his playlist until he landed on it.

A beautiful melody passed through the speakers, overlapping the small car.

Harry rested one of his hands on Brooke's leg, a small gesture but it did make Brooke smile.

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