Chapter 24

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but all I ever wanted

was for you to look at me

as if you were the night sky

and I was your only star


Taylor grinned proudly, clamping both of her hands over mine, and began tugging me out of the position I was in. "Come on, I'm going to take you out!"

A boisterous groan slipped from my mouth, my eyes rolling back. "Seriously Taylor?"

She nodded eagerly. "Yes, first we're going to find you an apartment, and than we're getting you your drivers license,"

I stomped my foot, much like a moody child would to his or her mother in the store when they wouldn't get what they wanted, snatching my hand back from her. "Can I at least change first?" I mumbled, glancing down pitifully at Harry's sweater, and a black pair of leggings clad on my body.

Taylor groaned. "Fine, hurry up. By the way, if you're in the process of trying to forget and move on from Harry, you should stop wearing his clothes," she interpreted with raised eyebrows, gesturing the sweater.

I frowned, bringing the sleeves to my nose before I breathed in the scent. Just like every other time, Harry's stimulating and exhilarating smell took over my senses, a safe feeling blanketing over me. "But it smells like him, it makes me happy,"

"Brooke, you want to get over him right? Sniffing his smell isn't going to help your case here," Taylor declared, crossing her arms over her chest.

I rolled my eyes, releasing a huff, before stomping away to the stares. "Fine, give me a few minutes,"

Choosing not to wait for her reply, which most likely would be insulting anyways, I marched upstairs. I dragged myself into my room, collapsing on my bed for a moment.

I let out an exaggerated, obnoxious sigh.

I sat up with a huff, ripping off the warm, comforting sweater, the scent immediately fading from my senses.

I stepped over to my dresser, opening the drawer that I had all of Harry's clothes I barrowed from him, and picked them all up in my arms.

With a frown, I carried the clothing over to my closet.

I shimmied to the back corner, dropping the folded clothes on the wooden floor.

I folded the sweater I just had on, and placed it on top of the pile.

I stared down at the articles of clothing for a moment, feeling as if when the scent vanished, so did part of my soul.

I think I'll miss him forever; he still lives inside of me. Planted in my heart.

When you miss someone terribly, your heart and your whole body hurts to the point it turns numb.

It’s like you’re drowning in deep water and you can’t swim.

You wait and wait for them to come rescue you.

With one last glance, I turned away from the corner of his few clothes, and shut the closet door behind me as I stepped out.

I walked over to the dresser, opening the drawer containing my leggings and yanked out a plain black pair.

I slipped out of the leggings I was currently wearing, and shimmied on a fresh pair.

I shuffled back over to the closet, opening it once again.

I grabbed a sweater from the hanger, and threw it on, walking over to the mirror.

Bottomless Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now