Chapter 8

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There's some people in this world

who can just love

and love and love

no matter what

- John Green





"Since I brought what up?" I queried, leaning against the doorframe.

"Have you figured out your feelings for him yet?" Zayn interrogated.

My eyes widened at the slightest, and I gulped, trying to moisten my dry throat. "U-Uh.. I really don't know Zayn. I think I really like him, like a lot but I can't like him. Because what's going to happen at the end of this summer? And isn't he dating that Taylor chick?" I huffed, jealously peaking through, no matter how hard I tried to suppress it.

I guess I really do like Harry.

There's not much I could do to hide it, or try to tell myself otherwise.

It's so difficult liking someone. You overanalyze every little thing they do, and you tend to assume the worst all the time. One day they could make you feel so special, and the next you wonder if they even have feelings for you at all. Your mind is enthralled with them, and you have all these things you're urging to tell them but you can't find the courage and you feat they won't feel the same way. It's like your whole life revolves around them in every way possible, your mood, how your day goes, and everything else.

I mean I guess I really do have feelings for Harry. It would make a lot more sense if I did.

"Brooke I can tell you really are infatuated with him, I can see it in your face when you look at him. You two have something special, please don't let that go," Zayn practically begged before walking out of the room.

I groaned, tilting my head back into the wall.

Is it stupid to like someone when you've only known them for a small period of time?

"Hey Brooke, I'm not sure what you're doing but we're having breakfast, if you want some," Harry's voice rang through my ears.

My eyes snapped open, and immediately landed on Harry, who sent me a grin.

My heart fluttered at his simple smile. The way the corners of his eyes crinkle up and his perfect teeth show. The way his smile reaches his eyes, and how they shine brighter than any night star in the sky.

"Oh right, I'm coming,"









"Harry it's not a fucking fruit!"

"Yes it is Brooke! It has seeds!"

"Just because it has seeds it's an automatic fruit?! That's not how it works! It's a vegetable!"

"What the hell is going on?" Niall sat down in the chair next to Harry, placing his hands on the kitchen table.

I glared at Harry who sat across from me.

"Brooke is saying a tomato is a vegetable," Harry scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"It is!" I shrieked, slamming my hands down on the table.

"It has seeds, it's a fruit!" Harry shouted.

"It's not Harry, it's a fucking vegetable!" I seethed.

"Are you two fighting again?" Liam sat down next to me.

Bottomless Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now