Chapter 31

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im going to start naming song(s) each chapter, if I find one, that I want you guys to listen to because I feel like they fit the chapter.

the song I want you guys to listen to this chapter is;

connect the dots by the spill canvas

(connect the dots is on the side so listen to that when Harry and Brooke get back to the apartment!)


The whisper of the numbing, bone-chilling wind, in a slow, steady breeze easily reminded me of his voice for whenever I hear it, it sends chills down my spine.

The moonlight glowed through the dark of the night, representing his personality, for he is the brightest thing in my dark eerie life.

(these are poems from @enissophobia on instagram. I am rewording some, but I still wanted to give her beautiful statements full credit x)

My combat boot covered feet trudged along the pavement as I stepped on the sidewalk which lead to the airport.

The lengthy path of concrete, clearing through the blanket of minimal snow which was placed upon the grass, represents his arms, for he pushes the cold souls, away from my path of happiness.

However, the symmetrical icicles, with sharp edges and freezing bodies represents my soul when you are parted from me.

As I made it up to the glass doors, I grasped the frigid door handle in my hand, flinching slightly as the raw chill captured the meager warmth which was still within me.

I swung the door open, the heat from inside colliding with the cold from around me. Greedily, I stepped into the warmth, a lazy smile falling upon my face as I instantly heated up.

I briskly walked through the vacant airport, only a very minimum of drained people passing by unhurriedly.

I dragged my tiresome body down the never-ending hallways, excitement overpowering the exhaustion that sat within.

My cold hands, which hadn't seem to defrost, held the plate of home-made chocolate chip cookies, that I knew Harry would appreciate well enough.

The brisk airport happened to be nearly empty, as it was one in the morning.

A yawn slipped passed my lips, as I sunk deeper in the massive sweater that held my body to perfection.

I dragged my boots against the tiled floor, amusing myself at the slightest when the stub of the tiny heel created a hollow clanking noise to sound through the silent building.

I made it to the gate, gate 236, and took a seat upon the stiff looking chairs. I sat back, twisting in the seat so I could throw my legs onto the chair beside the one I was sitting in.

I glanced down at the small plate of cookies, contemplating if I should take one or not, leaving Harry with one less than planned.

With a shrug, I pealed off the plastic wrap that kept the cookies surrounded, and took one. After placing the plastic wrap back over, I munched on the barely warm cookie.

I slipped my phone from my pocket, clicking the home button to make the phone come to life.

I groaned at the time, 1:26 am, but a smile cracked on my lips as I saw the lock screen picture of Harry and I.

Just a couple of minutes.  I thought, trying to ease the excitement swirled with anxiety that bubbled through my veins.

I stood up on my feet, sauntering over to the magazine stand off to the side, wanting to waste time.

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