Chapter 9

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if you told my heart to beat right now

it would

but not because you told it to

and if you told me to love you right now

I would

but not because you told me to

- m.k.


"What are you thinking about?" he inquired, leaning closer over the table.

And without thinking over the word that was about to pour from my mouth, or thinking about the consequences, I opened my mouth, simply saying, "You,"

My eyes widened as soon as the words rolled off my tongue.

Harry's face was just as surprised as mine. And the scary thing is, the only emotion I could detect from his is, surprise. Nothing else.

"R-Really?" Harry breathed out, his eyes a shade darker than a few minutes ago.

My heart was thumping violently in my ribcage, and a cold sweat formed on the back of my neck.

I felt my cheeks flame up with humiliation and all I want to do at this sudden moment is fade away, and crawl beneath the floorboards of this little restaurant.

I cleared my throat, trying to search for a good answer, that didn't come. "Y-Yeah.. I was thinking about how that girl in your class knocked everything off of the teachers desk. Did she end up getting in trouble?" I lamely said.

But by the looks of it, he believed it.

"Oh," he said, hiding an emotion in his face, something I couldn't detect. "uh yeah she did get in trouble,"

I nodded curtly. "That's... nice,"

He nodded back. "Do you suppose, I could just pay the check now? And we can walk the streets and get ice cream along the way?"

"Yeah of course but can I pay for my food?" I bit my lip, reaching into my pocket to search for my money that mom sneaked into my back pocket before Harry and I left.

Harry reached across the table, placing his hand on my arm, creating a jolt of electricity trickle through my veins . "No Brooke, I'm paying,"

Every time? he would touch me, there would be an ice to cool down the fire but it still burns deep within. Goosebumps lined my arms, making me shutter.

I nodded. "Thank you,"

He flashed me a smile, talking to the waiter who showed up at our table.

His smile makes my heart burn like it was on fire, lighting up my whole body in this blissful amount of heat and pleasure.

I can't believe I actually let myself fall for him.

I want him to like me as much as I like him, maybe even more, if that's even remotely possible.

We all just want to be loved, we want someone to hold our hand. We want to lie in bed and feel someone else lying next to us.

Because we all need somebody to talk to, someone that will listen, someone that understands.

I want Harry.

"-and then we can go,"

My eyes landed on Harry, who was talking to me. "Wait what?"

He rolled his eyes. "What were you thinking about this time?"



"Uh.. how badly I want the goldfish my mom just bought from the food store," I quickly responded, mentally slapping myself.

Harry gave me a look. "Oh?"

I chuckled. "Don't even bother to worry about me,"

He laughed. "You're so weird," he muttered, placing cash for the bill, in the folder, the waiter just brought out.

I scoffed, standing up when Harry did. I yanked at the bottom of my shorts. "And you're not?"

He rested the palm of his hand on my lower back, sending butterflies in my stomach and making bliss infuse into my bloodstream, and guided me out of the restaurant. "I didn't say that,"

I giggled, bumping my hip into his, looking up at him.

He looked down at me as we walked down the sidewalk, the sun beginning to set over the horizon in the most elegant way. A grin filled his face, delight radiating from his eyes. "What are you gigging at?"

I saw a flash go off, from across the street. I know Harry saw it too, but he didn't seem to mind. I guess he's accustom to it by now. I laughed, poking his side. "You,"

Bottomless Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now