Chapter 38

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sofa by ed sheeran on the side bc i feel like it represents Brooke and Harry perfectly and ed sheeran is life so why not put him in a chapter x

"Brooke I know we are young...." Harry trailed off, his hand skimming through his pocket before he pulled out a velvet, charcoal box.

Brooke's breath got caught in her throat as he eyes widened.

".. and marriage isn't in the picture yet, I want to promise you," he flicked open the box, revealing a beautiful promise ring. "that I will always love you. So so much. I will wait forever for you. You're the one I picture coming home to every night. I want you, and only you to have my kids. I want to be able to fall asleep beside you every night and be reassured that you are mine for good. Can I promise you that I will be there for you? Will you take my promise?" Harry basically whispered, his voice barely audible but Brooke understood every word. 

His eyes were thick with emotion and didn't falter from her.

She nodded, speechless with a bit of unshed tears in her own eyes.

He grinned sliding the ring on her finger with ease.

He discarded the box before grabbing her face in his hands. "I love you so fucking much baby,"

Brooke's eyes shut as she rested her forehead against his. "Fuck, I love you," she choked out, being the first to connect their lips in a sensual affair.

Her hands fisted his hair as she forced their bodies close together. She shoved his body, carefully, down onto the bed of blankets, never breaking the desirous kiss.

"You're inevitable," Harry exhaled into her lips, as he flipped her over so his body was resting over hers.

A grin broke out onto her lips, pausing the kiss. "Then I'm doing my job,"

He laughed, making her join in.

His lips dragged down from her lips, to her jaw. 

She tossed her legs up, hugging his hips and locking her feet to press Harry's hips into hers for much needed friction.

Harry released a muffled moan into her skin as he nibbled at her neck.

"Shit Harry," Brooke breathed out, her eyes shutting.

Harry continued the assault on his lovers neck, leaving more than one love-bite on her porcelain white skin.

Which resulted in Brooke's teenage hormones going into a frenzy with every simply swipe of his exquisite tongue.

 "P-Please, I need you," she groaned, lifting her hips up to meet his.

"Not tonight Brooke," Harry brought his lips back up to meet hers.

She frowned into the kiss. "Why not?"

He didn't respond, he just kept moving his lips together with hers.

Brooke forced his head up, her eyes fluttering open to connect with his. She didn't speak, as she waited for an answer.

Harry smiled adoringly, settling his forehead upon hers. "Not tonight,"

Brooke couldn't stifle the frown that etched her lips but she nodded in understanding, softly shoving Harry off of her so she could slip under the covers.

Harry followed in suit, pulling Brooke's small body into his large one. "You aren't mad are you babe?"

She shook her head, her eyes locked with his.

It was dark, extremely dark outside, but the moon just so happened to shine into the car window, illuminating the dull car.

She curled up into his side, cuddling into him as close as she could. "No that's a silly reason to get mad,"

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