Chapter 22

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tell me how you feel about the constant POV change between harry and brooke, I just want you guys to get a feel for both of their emotions and thoughts x

True love.

I used to think that it existed.

I used to believe that everyone was destined to find it.

I've experienced it all when I used to feel like anything was possible; back when I was feeling like anything could make me smile.

Now I feel nothing but the tears streaming down my face and an empty heart.

I was lucky enough to undertake love.

What I went through was pure love at first sight.

When we got together, I felt like we were really meant to be.

We laughed and joked, as well as argued and pushed each other.

I really did love him with all my heart, even more than just that.

We used to do everything together.

We undertook anything that life threw at us, together, it really was the best summer of my life.

I never experienced anything like I did when I was his Harry.

He was the one who kept the smile on my face throughout the days, weeks and even months.

Not until now, did I realize that I really need him.

I let out a distressed groan, slipping out of the bed. My feet hit the cold wooden floor, the early autumn breeze drafting through my agape window.

I tugged my hands through the messy waves as I dragged my lifeless body down the stairs.

As always, the house was vacant.

With an annoyed sigh, I snatched a banana, taking a few bits until my hungry subsided.

I tossed out the peal, opening the fridge to pull out a water bottle.

I chugged down the pure water, as I began to make a cup of coffee.

When I was done, I took the steaming cup in the palm of my hands.

"Shit," I quietly muttered, dropping the cup onto the counter top when my hands began to burn.

I pulled the sleeves of Harry's sweater, the one I happened to steal from him, over my hands, and picked up the mug successfully this time.

Memories floated across my mind as I happened to remember the time I got this sweater.

He pulled into my drive way, unbuckling when I did.

I opened the door and hopped out, closing it as I looked up at the cloudy night sky. "It's raining!"

Harry climbed out of the car, wandering over to me. "I'm guessing you love the rain?"

I nodded, smiling widely as the pellets fell down onto us.

I leaned against the car door, enjoying the feeling of the hard rain hitting my skin.

"Why do you like rain so much?" Harry investigated curiously after a few minutes of silence, his green eyes piercing through my face. I knew he was staring at me, but I continued looking forward, watching the rain drops fall to the pavement.

Bottomless Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now