Chapter 1 (news)

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The day was sunny and warm. Most of the students of Mr. Lancer's English class were excited. Why? Because they got to go on a field trip! To where? The Ghost Zone.

"Why, of all places, did it have to be the Ghost Zone?" Danny Fenton Whispered to his two best friends. "What if they find out about me and Phantom?" he asked frantically.

A while back Danny had forcefully been separated from his ghost half, Phantom. They became two separate entities, human and ghost. At first they had tried to merge back together, but as time went on they discovered that they had feelings for each other. Soon after they discovered, and accepted this, they began dating. Phantom had recently been crowned king of the Ghost Zone, making Danny the prince. Of course no one knew this except Tucker and Sam.

At first Sam had been devastated. She had had a crush on Danny since, forever. But after a few weeks, and lots of ice-cream, she had gotten over it. she was still protective of him, but in more of a best friend sort of way. So things worked out.

"It could be worse, dude." Tucker whispered back.

"Really? How?" Danny asked sending a small glare to the techno-geek.

"Your parents could be the chaperons." He suggested. But no sooner had the words left his mouth that Mr. Lancer asked the chaperons to come in, and the Fenton parents burst through the door.

"Hi kids! We're going to be your chaperons/tour guides through the Ghost Zone!" Maddie, Danny's mom, said. Then she turned and spotted her son, "Hi Danny!" she said as every one turned to look at the boy in the back, then quickly turned back to hear more about the up-and-coming field trip.

In the back Danny's head fell into his hands.

"This is going to be the worst field trip ever." Danny groaned to his two friends who sent each other silent looks of agreement.

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