Chapter 23 (The Plan in Action)

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Me: Hey-o! I'm back again!

Danny: Wow, another chapter a day after the last. You're on a roll!

Me: I know! 4 day weekends are the best!

Danny: Yeah. Anyway you should probably get going on the chapter.

Me: Yeah, probably. In that case, disclaimer please!

Danny: Sure. Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or any of its characters, she is not Butch Hartman.

Me: Nope, I am not. I do own Sky! Now, ON WITH THE STORY!!



"Don't be silly Danny humans can't have ghost powers." Maddie said, as if the very idea was a joke.

"Oh yeah? Then how do you explain this?" Danny asked as he began to hover a few feet off the ground. "Or this," he turned invisible and then visible again. "And lastly, this." Danny made a finger gun with his hand and shot a tiny ectobalst at the ground.

Maddie opened her mouth and then closed it again, speechless.

"Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to save my Spirit. And wether you like it or not I will continue dating him just as I have been for the past month." Danny said floating back down to the ground.

Seeing as everyone had been so intent on his and Maddie's conversation, Danny already had everyone's attention so he began to explain his plan.

"Alright so even though I still have some ectoplasm in my system, the crystal ball Freakshow is using to control Phantom doesn't affect me. So here's what we do..."


"Danny, wait!" Sam hollered after Danny as he stormed away from where the group had been gathered.

"Why?" Danny demanded as he turned to face her. "You guys all laughed at my plan and said it would never work. Besides, my parents are furious at me for wanting to be with Phantom. I may as well just go with him and, incidentally, Freakshow."

"Danny, just wait. We didn't mean to offend you. It's just that it wouldn't have worked. Maybe we could think of something else." Sam said desperately trying to get him to come back.

"No. What's done is done. And if you don't think I can beat them I may as well join them!" Danny said and stormed off towards the stage.

Once he reached the stage he climbed up and looked around a bit. When he didn't see either of them out in front of the curtain he decided to take a look backstage.

"Hey! Freakshow!" Danny called out trying to find him.

"What do you want?" Freakshow demanded as he walked out from the shadows, Phantom floating a little ways away.

When Phantom spotted Danny his eyes returned to their natural green momentarily. "D-Danny?" Phantom stuttered out confused.

"What is that? Free will? Obey me ghost!" Freakshow said shoving the staff in Phantom's face again and Phantom's eyes once again glowed red.

This ticked Danny off quiet a bit, but he managed to keep his cool.

Freakshow then turned back to Danny. "Now what did you want?" He demanded.

Danny took a deep breath in, this was it. "I want to join you."

Freakshow was taken aback by the answer at first, then he smiled evilly. "That's wonderful! But first I need to do this, for reassurance." He then proceeded to shove the staff in Danny's face.

He left it there for a moment but didn't see Danny's eyes go red. He began to doubt if it had worked when Danny began to hover off the ground and flew over beside Phantom.

"AHAHAHA! It worked! Now I have both halves of the once halfa on my side! Nothing can stop me now!" Freakshow laughed as he turned and headed back to a little room off to the side. "Come minions. Sit we must prepare for the next advance."

Danny and Phantom flew into the room and Phantom sat on one of the pillows on the floor while Danny was on his lap and Freakshow was in the only chair there.

As Freakshow sat there working on something on his staff Danny say there silently on Phantom's lap.

'All according to plan.' He thought and leaned a little further back onto Phantom's chest.


Fire Wolf:  Oh so that was your plan.

Danny: Yeah. Wait, what are you doing here?

Me: I invited her. We were chatting and I thought it would be cool if she were to come over here.

Danny: Oh no. This can't be good.

Me and Fire: Oh haha/ shut up Casper.

Fire: And why is that so bad?

Danny: Well Fury loves cliffhangers and you can be kind of intense. It could be a very bad combination.

Fire: *rolls eyes* Yes, because it would be the end of the world if we were to get along. *pretends to cower in fear* Oh no someone stop this before it's too late!

Me: Haha! Yeah, cuz it would be HORRIBLE if we were friends, oh wait.

Danny: Oh no, they're friends?! Well this is going to be a disaster for my life.

Fire: Nah, it won't. *puts arm around Danny's shoulders* It will just make it a whole lot more interesting.

Me: Yeah. It won't be THAT bad.

Danny: Please help me. *goes and hides in corner*

Me: Anyway, thanks to FireWolf13th for talking to me about literally nothing in particular, and for being here at the end of the chapter. Anyway that's all for now. What did you think? Until next time,

Me and Fire: bye/that's a wrap!

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