Chapter 15 (The Game Begins)

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Me: Hey-o people! Another chapter is here!

Phantom: Oh no. You're planing things again.

Me: Hehe yes I am.

Phantom: Quick everyone hide!

Me: Oh haha very funny. (-_-)

Phantom: Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or its characters.

Me: What's with the disclaimer out of nowhere?

Phantom: you need to start the story.

Me: Oh, right. ON WITH THE STORY!!



"What do you want Freakshow?" Danny shouted, surprising the group, minus Sam, Tucker, Valerie, and Sky.

"What do I want? A game." Freakshow replied.

"What kind of game?" Valerie asked, again shocking everyone except a curtain few.

"If you win you get to go home. If not you're stuck here forever. Oh and here's the best part...You don't have a choice in participating! AHAHAHA!" Freakshow said.

Then the class and speeder disappeared in a cloud of red smoke.

The last thing anyone heard was Freakshow's  laughter ringing in their ears.


The group was unceremoniously thrown onto the ground after appearing in a cloud of red smoke, causing them to slowly regain consciousness.

"Ow." Phantom said sitting up rubbing his head where it had made impact with the ground.

"Yeah no kidding. Where are we?" Danny asked from Phantom's left.

"It looks amusement park?" Sky said as she walked over to where Danny and Phantom were, now standing.

"Apparently why would we be here?" Valerie said walking up next to them.

"Well Freakshow did say that we would be playing a game." Sam said as she and Tucker walked over and joined the other four.

"We should check on the others." Phantom said.

They all nodded and turned to do so, but when they turned around they only saw Dash, Paulina, Star, and Kwan.

"Ok where's everyone else?" Danny asked seeing half of their class, along with the three adults, missing.

"I don't know. Freakshow must have split the class in half." Sam said.

"Yeah, probably." Tucker said as he reached for his PDA but found it missing, "NOOO! MY BABY!" Tucker shouted dramatically, falling to his knees.

This caused the remaining members of the small group to wake up.

"What happened?" Paulina asked groggily.

"We were transported to an amusement park by Freakshow in order to play his game so we can get home." Danny explained.

"Hey where's the rest of the group?" Dash asked.

"We concluded that Freakshow split the class into two groups, ours and the other has everyone else, including the adults." Phantom said. "We should probably get going, who knows what Freakshow has set up for us."

"Right. Lead the way Phantom." Danny said gesturing for him to go forward first.

Phantom turned around and began walking the others trailing not to far behind.

~10 minutes later~

"Ugh how long are we going to have to walk for?" Paulina asked already whining.

"I don't know Paulina it's the creation of Freakshow, none of us know what's going to happen or how big it is." Phantom said already getting annoyed by the popular pain. He leaned over to Valerie, Sky, Sam, Tucker, and Danny and whispered, "It's only been 10 minutes! Is she always this annoying?"

All of them shrug, "I guess." Valerie said being the only one of them that had ever really been close to her for an extended period of time.

Phantom groaned and continued walking, ignoring Paulina's whining and complaining.

Paulina opened her mouth, most likely to complain again, but before she could say anything Freakshow's laughter rang out.

A screen appeared out of nowhere and on it was Freakshow himself.

"Welcome to the game! As you have probably already figured out I have split your class in two." Freakshow said, "But what you don't know is that you have just stumbled upon your first game. Have fun and good luck! AHAHAHA!"

The screen disappeared and walls shot up from the ground separating the small group.

It was dark inside the small rooms and Danny, Phantom, Dash, Paulina, Valerie, Sky, Kwan, and Star could all feel themselves being moved into a much larger space.

When the lights came on the game was reviled to be...


Me: MWHAHAHA!! Yes I didn't almost choke this time!

Phantom: What're you doin' ?!

Me: Leaving off on a cliffhanger.

Phantom: Are you insane?! You are doing this at *checks time* 12:20 am and are probably going to take forever to update!

Me: Kinda. Yes it is 12:20 am but I'm not tired. An I am NOT going to take forever to update! In fact I'm going to start working on the next chapter right now!

Phantom: *sigh* Don't stay up too late.

Me: I won't. *quietly to myself* Not intensionally.

Phantom: What was that last part?


Phantom: riiiiiight.

Me: Aaanyway, that's all for now. What did you think? Until next time, bye!

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