Chapter 22 ( The Plan)

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Me: Hey-o! I'm back again.

Danny: Hey. Welcome back. Congrats you're posting a day after the last update!

Me: I know! I'm glad I am because my updates can be pretty sporadic so whenever I can update one after the other I feel accomplished.

Danny: I'm sure the readers are glad you are as well.

Me: Yeah probably. Anyway I should get to the chapter. So the disclaimer if you please!

Danny: sure. Waves-Of-Fury doesn't own Danny Phantom or its characters.

Me: Nope. I do own Sky. Now, ON WITH THE STORY!



Danny uncovered his eyes and saw Phantom floating beside Freakshow with his glowing red eyes. "NO! PHANTOM!" Danny cried. He glared at Freakshow. And discovering that although he may still have some ectoplasm in his system, the ball doesn't affect him. Danny smirked as a plan beginning to form in his head.

"Don't worry Spirt I swear I will get you back." Danny said quietly so that only Valerie, Sky, Sam, and Tucker could hear him. His voice filled with determination.

"Now, minion, attack!" Freakshow said and Phantom flew towards the class.

And somewhere deep in Phantom's mind his conscious was screaming at his body not to listen. But it did. Because that's what his master had told him to do.


Phantom shot forward firing an array of ectobalsts on the class.

Maddie took out her gun to shoot back but it was knocked out of her hands by one of Phantom's blasts.

Next to try was her husband...but he got tangled in the cords of the Jack-o-nine tails.

Finally Valerie attempted by pulling out an eclogue of her own. She actually got to fire a shot, missing, before her gun was shot out of her hand as well.

Phantom continued to launch attacks on the class, but was unexpectedly shot off course.

Danny stood with his fist smoking, the Ray hadn't hurt Phantom, he knew that, but it still didn't make him feel any better about having to do so.

Phantom got back up and took a deep breath in. And facing the class he released his ghostly wail, sending the class flying back.

"That's enough for now minion." Freakshow said. Phantom turned and retuned to Freakshow.

~with the class~

"Ugh...ouch." Danny said sitting up after being launched back by Phantom's Ghostly Wail. He looked around and saw the ready of the class and the adults slowly getting up.

Once he found he went over to Sam, Tucker, Valerie, and Sky. "Guys I have a plan, but I'm going to need everyone's attention." Danny said. His friends nodded in agreement and all 5 of them gathered the group together into a sort of huddle except with Danny, Sam, Tucker, Valerie, and Sky in front of everyone.

"Ok. Everyone listen up I have a plan to get Phantom back to normal and defeat Freakshow." Danny said.

"What do you mean 'get Phantom back to normal'?" Maddie asked. "That ghost is just finally showing its true colors."

Danny turned to face her. "No that is not Phantom. He is being controlled by Freakshow with his staff. Trust me I know what Phantom is like, and it's not that." He said.

"Don't be silly Danny, of course it is. All ghosts are evil after all." Maddie said.

"No, actually they're not. I know my Spirit and he is not evil." Danny said back annoyed and tired of his parents insisting the same lie over and over.

"Spirit?" Maddie asked.

"Yes, Spirit. It's the nickname that I gave Phantom. Just like his nickname for me is Hunter." Danny responded obviously ticked.

"What? Why would you have nicknames for each other?" Maddie asked confused.

Danny decided that now was a good a time as any to tell them. "Because Phantom is my boyfriend."

"What?! No I forbid it you can not date Phantom." Maddie declared.

"What?! You can't do that I love Phantom. I don't know what I would do without him. Why?" Danny cried.

"Well one, I thought you liked girls, like Sam." Maddie began.

"Nope." Danny responded crossing his arms.

"And two he is a ghost." Maddie finished.

Att his point Danny was fed up with what his mom was saying. "So what if he's a ghost?! He is my Spirit and I would do anything for him. And you want to know something else? I used to be Danny Phantom, before my ghost half, aka Phantom, was forcefully separated form my human half. So I used to be half ghost, half the thing you despised. And even now after I was separated I still have some of my ghost powers. I still have ectoplasm in my system. That's why the weapons keep targeting me." Danny ranted.

"Don't be silly Danny humans can't have ghost powers." Maddie said, as if the very idea was a joke.

"Oh yeah? Then how do you explain this?" Danny asked as he began to hover a few feet off the ground. "Or this," he turned invisible and then visible again. "And lastly, this." Danny made a finger gun with his hand and shot a tiny ectobalst at the ground.

Maddie opened her mouth and then closed it again, speechless.

"Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to save my Spirit. And wether you like it or not I will continue dating him just as I have been for the past month." Danny said floating back down to the ground.

Seeing as everyone had been so intent on his and Maddie's conversation, Danny already had everyone's attention so he began to explain his plan.

"Alright so even though I still have some ectoplasm in my system, the crystal ball Freakshow is using to control Phantom doesn't affect me. So here's what we do..."


Me: There next chapter done! It's a bit shorter than the last ones though, sorry about that.

Danny: *still fuming at Maddie* So I know that my Mom is having none of this, but what about my Dad?

Me: Well he was just kind of in the background being shocked and a bit confused. Also sorry if the whole thing with Danny and his mom seemed a bit over dramatic. I went to see Fiddler On The Roof today and a lot of the whole marriage things with the Dad and his daughters were dramatic like that.

Danny: Oh ok then.

Me: Yeah. Anyway that's all for now. What did you think? Until next time, bye!

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