Chapter 26 (Showdown Part 2)

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Me: Hey-o! I'm back!

Danny: So, did you figure out what those buttons do?

Me: Yes! Of course I did!

Danny: *crosses arms and raises eye brow*

Me: I did! *huffs and crosses arms* Just do the disclaimer.

Danny: Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or it's characters.

Me: Thanks Danny. ON WITH THE STORY!



"We switched your orb for that red ice sphere. The crash you heard was Danny smashing it to pieces." Phantom said. "It's basically just a fancy stick now."

"Well this 'fancy stick' has some unique features." Freakshow said and pressed a button on the side turning it into a sword reinforced with ectoranium giving a greenish glow to it and the ability to harm ghosts as well as humans.

"Oh it's that way is it?" Phantom said creating ice swords for him and Danny.

"Wait before we use these." Danny dug around in his pocket and pulled out two small buttons and attached them to the swords. "There."

"What are these for?" Phantom asked looking at the button on his sword.

"You'll see. Just press it when I tell you to." Danny said.

Phantom shrugged. "Alright."

Then he and Danny got into their fighting positions and Danny suited up.

Phantom smirked. "Let's Dance."

Then he and Danny charged at Freakshow as Freakshow charged at them.



Ice hit metal as the three swords met.

The owners of said swords drew back before charging at each other once again.


Dodge, thrust, carry, intercept, block, strike, repeat. The owners of the swords were trapped in a dangerous dance.

Dodge, "What do you even want from us?" Danny asked as he dodged yet another one of Freakshow's attempts.

Thrust, "Because, together we three could rule the world!" Freakshow said making another attempt to strike one of the two.

Carry, "What is it with people and wanting to take over the world?" Phantom wondered countering yet another attack.


The dance continued neither side winning over the other.

The class stared on, fixated by the display of skills.


Freakshow sent a particularly hard swing, and upon connecting with the ice swords, left a crack in Phantom's sword.

Freakshow noticed this and sent another hard blow connecting with Danny's sword, resulting in the same effect.

Freakshow smirked and went to full on offence, forcing Danny and Phantom to go on the defense.

Hit after hit, block after block. Before Phantom's sword snapped and the tip clattered to the ground.

Danny blocked the next blow that was aimed at Phantom. "Phantom! Now!" Danny shouted as he continued to fend off Freakshow's blows.

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