Chapter 21 (Truth or Dare)

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Me: Hey-o! I'm back.

Phantom: Hey. How are you?

Me: Good. I'm happy, because I found out yesterday that I made my school soccer team!

Phantom: Congrats!

Me: Thanks!

Phantom: Let's get this thing started. Waves-Of-Fury doesn't own Danny Phantom or any of it's characters.

Me: Nope! I do own Sky! Also thanks to my friend Jessica, and FlamingIceFlowers for helping with ideas for this chapter. ON WITH THE STORY!

The group got into a circle ordering (going clockwise), Valerie, Phantom, Paulina (she bolted next to him even though she knew she didn't have a chance of getting him to like her), Dash, Kwan, Sam, Danny, Star, Sky, and Tucker.

Once they were all seated Valerie said, "Ok I'll go first." She turned to the person sitting across the circle from her. "Sam, Truth or Dare?"

Sam thought for a moment, then decided, "Dare."

"Ok. Hmm..." Valerie thought for a second, then she got an idea, "I dare you..."


"I dare you and Paulina to swap clothes for the rest of the game."

"WHAT?!" both girls shouted in unison.

Sam grumbled something incoherent then replied through gritted teeth, "Fine." Then her and Paulina walked out of the room.

Five minutes later they walked back in, Sam wearing Paulina's usual outfit and vise-versa for Paulina.

"I want that back after this, minus the goth sweat." Paulina sniped at Sam.

"WE DON'T SWEAT WE SIMMER!!" Sam screamed in response and the two returned to their spots.

"Ok. Phantom Truth or Dare?" Sam asked.

Phantom tilted his head contemplating before smiling confidently. "Dare." (Jessica: *whisper voice* DOMINANCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ Phantom: Shut up! And stop breaking the fourth wall! Jessica: Fury invited me so... NO! Me: *head in hands laughing slightly* Oh gosh. *Gestures hand dramatically* Jessica everyone! Jessica: 'Sup Me: Anyway...)

Sam thought for a moment and then smirked evilly. "I dare you to take your shirt off, and keep it off until this game is over."

Phantom looked shocked for a moment, then he barely noticeably glanced at Danny and smirked. "Ok."

He then proceeded to take off his shirt, reveling his muscles and 6 pack.

This left a very flustered Danny with a beat red face hidden by his hands.

"Ok, so it's my turn now? Hmm.." Phantom looked around the circle before saying, "Sky, Truth or Dare?"

Sky stared off into space for a second before answering. "Dare."

Phantom thought for a minute, then said the first thing that came to his mind. "I dare you to take off your right glove and the ribbon around your neck, and leave them off the rest of the game."

"What?! Why?!" Sky shouted really not wanting to do so in case someone actually remembered what they had learned in class about Elementists and 'rumored' Hybrids.

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