Chapter 5 (the journey begins)

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Me: I'm back!

Tucker: Hey you're updating after a day and not two or more!

Me: Shut up Tucker!

Phantom: Hey he's telling the truth.

Me: I guess so. Sorry Tucker.

Tucker: It's ok.

Me: Great! Now, could you please do the disclaimer?

Tucker: I guess. Waves-Of-Fury doesn't own Danny Phantom.

Me: Never have and sadly never will.  Anyway ON WITH THE STORY!

Everyone had separated into their consecutive groups (A-list, nerds, geeks, ect.), and were trying to decipher what had happened.

The A-listers were baffled. How could weak, puny, Danny Fenton, the loser at the bottom of the social latter, and the person with the worst fitness grades (other than Tucker),beat Dash that easily? It looked like he didn't even struggle with flipping the older boy.

Mr. Lancer was confused. Of all those times that he had caught Danny being bullied by the 'A-listers', as he had heard the students call them, he never retaliated. Had he been able to do that all this time? If so, why had he put up with it all?

"Dude, everyone is staring." Tucker said as he glanced behind him and saw some of their classmates steeling glances at their group.

"Thanks for stating the obvious Tuck! I totally didn't know that!" Danny said his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Tucker looked a bit hurt by the comment. Noticing this Danny sighed, "Sorry I'm just a bit stressed is all. I can't really figure out a way to get everyone out of here at once." he said sighing and putting his head in his hands.

Sam and Tucker looked at each other, each with the same conclusion, "Well there is one way." Sam said.

Danny looked up from behind his hands, "Really? What is it?" Danny asked. Sam and Tucker gave him a look that clearly said 'you know exactly why it is.'

Danny's eyes widened in realization, "No! There has to be another way!" Danny said looking at his friends desperately.

"Dude, if there was another way you would have found it already." Tucker said.

Danny groaned. He knew it was true, this was the only option they had. Danny sighed, "Fine." Sam and Tucker high-fived, "Let's go tell the rest of the group." The trio stood up and made their way over to the largest rock on their little island. Then proceeded to climb to the top of the rock. 

"Umm...excuse me?" Danny said once he got to the top of the rock. Mr. Lancer heard this and turned around to see Danny on the rock with Sam and Tucker coming up behind him.

Danny felt his friends at his sides giving him support, he looked back at them and they gave him a thumbs up, he smiled and turned back around.

"Hey!" Danny shouted, gaining everyone's attention. "Thank you. Now, I know a way out of here." Danny said pausing to let that sink in. This sent whispers through the crowd until,

"And how would you know this, Fentoad?" Dash asked incredulously.

"Well, because... um... we," he gestured to Sam, Tucker and himself, "have been here before?" he admitted nervously, although it sounded almost like a question. This produced shocked gasps and more murmuring through the crowd.

"DANIEL JAMES FENTON! What on Earth possessed you to go into the Ghost Zone?!" Maddie shouted at her son.

"Uh... I'll explain that to you later. But the point is that we know a way out." Danny said as he tried to get back on the original topic.

"And why should we listen to you losers?" Dash asked accusingly.

"Ok Dash, let's listen to the other kids who know their way around here." Danny said sarcastically, then he looked over the group for emphasis. "No one? Ok then. Now here's the plan, right now we're close to Skulker's lair, it's about a mile that way." he pointed off to his left side, "This means, if we  can keep a constant pace going North, clearing about 5 miles a day, then we should make it to Phantom's Keep in about 5 days. If we ration out supplies we should be able to make it with just enough for everyone. Any questions?"

Mr. Lancer was astonished. How was this boy getting Cs if he could figure out a plan like this? He had even calculated the distance, time, and accounted for how much supplies they had!

Someone in the back raised their hand, "Yes Mikey?" Danny asked.

"What's Phantom's Keep?" Mikey asked.

"Well since Phantom defeated Pariah Dark, the old Ghost King, he was to be the next King. But he just recently took the position, since he just recently reached 16. Therefore Phantom's Keep is where he lives." Danny explained. "Any other questions?" he surveyed the group but no one spoke up.

"Ok then let's get going." Danny said as he, Sam, and Tucker jumped off the rock and landed with practiced ease.

The group grabbed their things as they fell in line behind the trio and began their journey through the Ghost Zone.


Me: Wow that was a long one, longest so far. But, I DID IT! I ACTUALLY POSTED TWO IN A ROW!

Danny: Congrats!

Me: Thank you! I'm proud of myself.

Tucker: The journey has begun.

Me: Yes, yes it has. Good luck!

Sam: Wait why would we-


Sam, Tucker, Danny, and Phantom: -_-  suuuuure

Me: Hehe. Oh, also I forgot to mention the names that Sam, Tucker, and Danny go by when they are hunting ghosts sooooo, guys?

Sam: Night Rose

Tucker: Techno

Danny: Shadow

Me: There you go! Well that's it for now. What did you think? Until next time, Bye!

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