Chapter 11 (escape)

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Me: Ha! I told you it would've here soon! Also, HOLY CRAP 1k VIEWS?!

Phantom: I didn't doubt that it would. Also congrats! *let's off confetti cannon*

Me: Yay! Confetti! I love confetti! It's been five days since I last updated, not exactly soon, but still! Here is the next chapter of the book. Phantom, if you please.

Phantom: With pleasure. Waves-Of-Fury does not own me or any other Danny Phantom characters.

Me: Thank you. Now I'll probably be ranting in the authors note or commentary or whatever you want to call it down below. So if you want to skip that ok. Now, ON WITH THE STORY!!



"What are you all waiting for?" Phantom asked grinning, "Let's go!"

And with that he ran off , the group of students and adults not far behind.


The alarms blared as Phantom led the group through the halls of the prison.

"Thanks for coming Phantom!" Danny shouted over the alarm. "Although this isn't really what I meant." Danny muttered under his breath as an afterthought.

"No problem!" Phantom said glancing over at Danny and giving him a goofy grin. "This way!" Phantom said turning left and missing the blush that had dusted Danny's cheeks a rosy red.

The group followed Phantom down the hall, the hall led to an open area, the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria the group saw a certain rockstar fending off a few guards coming her way.

"Ember!" Phantom called, "Let's go!" Ember strummed one last power cord on her guitar, sending one last attack to the guards, then turned and ran after Phantom and the group.

"Took you long enough." She said. Then she turned to Danny "Long time no see Dipstick."

"Nice to see you to Pop Princess." Danny retorted light heartedly. He and Ember and formed a working friendship soon after Danny had become Prince.

Danny then turned to Phantom, "You know, when I said I needed your help, this isn't exactly what I meant."

"I know." Phantom said turning left, "But I recall a certain someone saying that if I wanted to see them sooner, then I would have to come get them and their class myself." He said winking at Danny and taking a right, "Besides, I haven't had this much fun in a while."

Danny shook his head, smiling at his boyfriend's antics and reasons.

They turned the next corner and came face-to-face with a large group of guards.

"You take left and I'll take right?" Danny asked Phantom, smirking as he activated his suit.

"Yeah. First one to beat all of the guards on their side wins." Phantom said, a smirk on his face as well.

"You're on!" Danny said, accepting Phantom's challenge.

"Ready? Set. GO!" Ember said and both Danny and Phantom raced to beat the other.

While Phantom blasted guards freely, Danny had to find other ways of dealing with the guards, since he couldn't exactly send an ectoblast to their faces in front of his class.

So while Phantom used his ectoblasts and other ghostly abilities, Danny had to find stolen one of the guards batons and was using that aginst them.

The group , minus Sam, Tucker, and Ember, watched the two males fight in astonishment. Danny and Phantom worked together perfectly, one didn't get in the other's way and they fought quickly, gracefuly and effectively, it was almost like they were the same person ( Tucker: hehe Me: TUCKER! ).

"Done!" Danny and Phantom said at the same time.

"Then who wins?" Danny asked.

"I guess we both do." Phantom said playfuly.

"Guys! Later. We were in the middle of escaping remember?" Sam said snapping the two back to reality and the task at hand.

"Right." Danny said, embarrassed.

"This way!" Phantom said running off again, the group quickly following.

"We're almost there!" Phantom hollered over his shoulder.

"There's the door! We're home free!" Tucker shouted from behind Danny and Phantom, who were leading the group.

Then of course Walker had to appear and block their path.

"Where do you punks think you're going?" Walker sneered.

"Away from here!" Danny and Phantom said punching Walker, in the face, in unison, knocking him out cold.

The group continued running, making their way out of the prison to see two carriages waiting.

"That was awesome!" Phantom said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah, I have to admit that was fun." Danny agreed. Then he turned to look at the carriages, "Carriages? Really?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"What were you expecting, a limo?" Phantom asked crossing his arms.

"Well..." Danny said trailing off.

"Oh shut up." Phantom huffed lightly shoving Danny, who started laughing. "Ok," Phantom said turning to the rest of the group and cutting off Danny's laughter, "all of Danny's class and the adults are in the second carriage, Danny and I are in the first."

"Why is Fenton in the carriage with you?" Dash asked ( Tucker: because Danny is his boyfriend~ Me: Tucker! Oh forget it. Continue the story. )

"Because he is the Prince. Now let's go before Walker wakes up." Phantom said ushering the group towards the second carriage.

Once everyone was in the carriage, they took off, headed for Phantom's Keep.


Hey-o ok so that was the next chapter. Sorry it took forever. What did you think?

Ok now for the rant. First off OH MY GOSH 1K VIEWS?! Thank you guys so much(≧∇≦)! Honestly when I first put this up I was like 'no one is going to like this' then it got to like 100-150 views and I was like 'oh my gosh, people actually like this.' I originally wrote this with the intention of not posting it and just keeping it in my red binder that I found in the closet, I think it used to be one of my parents, but that's beside the point. So one day I was with my friend and I asked her to read it, she did, then I asked her if I should put it on here so I did and now this happened. Seriously thank you. And you can thank my friend for the story being here.

Ok I'm done. That's all for now. Until next time, bye!

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