Chapter 7 (explanations)

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"Daniel what did he mean by 'Prince'?" Mr. Lancer asked.


" see..." Danny fumbled over his words trying to find an excuse.

"Danny can I talk to you for a minute? Thanks." Sam said dragging him off to the side, not waiting for an answer.

"Sam what am I going to do?!" Danny whisper shouted.

"Danny calm down. Here's the plan." Sam called Tucker over and then explained the plain.

~ 5 minutes later ~

"Ok sorry about that. I'm back now." Danny said.

"Well then, why did that ghost call you 'Prince'?" Valerie asked spitting the word 'ghost' like it had poison.

"Well... you see Sam, Tucker, and I we...we've been hunting ghosts." Danny said.


"WHAT?!" Maddie screamed breaking the silence that had fallen over the group.

"Um...yeah. I'm the ghost hunter Shadow, Sam's Night Rose, and Tucker's Techno." Danny admitted and as he told them all three of them activated their suits, earning a collective gasp from the group.

"That would explain the constant lateness and drop in grades." Mr. Lancer said.

"And the missed curfews." Maddie added.

"But it still doesn't explain this whole 'Prince' business." Valerie said.

"Well yes, and no." Danny said, "You see since we have helped the Ghost Zone so much, they decided to give me the second highest position in the Ghost Zone." he explained.

"That and you're the King's boyfriend." Tucker whispered teasingly to Danny, causing him to blush.

"Tucker! Shut up." Danny whispered back elbowing Tucker in the gut.

The class, and adults, watched in interest and confusion, wondering what Tucker had said to gain this reaction.

"What about Sam and Tucker? Do they have a position in the court?" Someone in the back asked.

"Well, no because all the other positions are full." Sam explained.

"Well I guess this explains why you would have been in the Ghost Zone before as well." Mr. Lancer said.

"Yeah." Danny said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Well we should probably get moving again."

The group nodded and fell back in line as they continued on their journey to Phantom's Keep. At least two of the trio's secrets were still intact.


Me: It is done!

Phantom: Wow two posts in one day! Congrats!

Me: Thanks!

Phantom: No problem. So I will get to see Danny?

Me: Yes.

Phantom: How long will it take?

Me: It depends.

Phantom: On what?

Me: Stuff.

Phantom: O-kay then?

Me: Well as you know I am not Butch Heartman so I do not own Danny Phantom.

Phantom: No, no you do not.

Me: Anyway, what did you think? If possible I'll update another chapter, but if not then a heads up I'm going to Hershy Park for a 21 Pilots concert so I won't have wifi. If I can get my hands on a device that has cellular SINCE MY PHONE DOESN'T! (screams at parents to allow me to get cellular) Or wifi, like someone's hotspot (glares at parent with wifi hotspot). Then I will update. Until next time, bye!

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