Chapter 3 (Stranded)

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Me: Hi I'm back

Danny: Where were you?

Me: I'm not making excuses for my two day lateness of my attempt to update a chapter a day

Tucker: Good 'cuz no one likes excuses

Me: Yeah I know. *awkwardly laughs* Anyway, Phantom would you do the honors?

Phantom: Sure. Waves-Of-Fury doesn't own me or any other Danny Phantom characters.

Me: I have been disclaimed. ON WITH THE STORY!


"Is every one ready to go?" Maddie asked as she turned around to face the class.

At their enthusiastic nods, minus three, she turned back around to face the windshield. "then off we go!" She shouted excitedly as Jack shot the speeder forward through the portal and into the Ghost Zone.

A chorus of  'o's and 'ah's came from the class as they pressed their faces against the windows at the sides of the speeder as they tried to absorb everything that they were seeing.

"Mrs. Fenton, what are those doors for?" Mikey, one of the group of nerds that sat in the front row asked.

The 'freak trio', who were in the very back of the  specter speeder turned bus, rolled their eyes. Any one of them could tell you what those doors were for, heck Danny could probably even tell you whose lair it led to.

"We don't actually know." Maddie admitted. This was fallowed by a collective gasp from the speeder's occupants, and three eye rolls from the trio.

"We've never actually been here before, we've just studied it." more gasps and eye rolls.

"dude chill out, it looks like you're trying to eat your way through your shirt." Tucker said turning to Danny.

Danny, who currently had his shirt pulled up over his nose, turned to his techno-geek friend, who held both a look of concern and amusement.

Danny gave him a small glare and sighed, his shirt falling away from his face, "I know, I know. It's just..." he sighed again, "I'm just being paranoid." he slumped further into his seat and glanced out the window to see the purple and green 'sky' of the Ghost Zone.

"Look at it this way Danny, at least no ghosts have shown up." Sam said in an attempt to calm down her high strung friend.

As soon as she said this though, Murphy and his dumb law decided to butt in again as had happened various time before, and Danny's ghost sense went off. He sat straight up and began frantically searching for the ghost.

"Ah Ghost Child." said the all to familiar voice of Skulker as her flew up beside the speeder, causing the class to scream and Danny's parents shout 'Ghost!' and go for the weapons, but something was wrong.

"The weapons aren't working! The systems are all off line!" Maddie said frantically trying to get something, anything to work, but the weapons remained unresponsive.

"What do you want Skulker?" Danny asked, but just loud enough for only Sam, Tucker, and Skulker to hear him.

"Well, Whelp," Skulker began, "I have sworn your pelt to adorn my wall. So I saw this ship and came over deciding that this was better."

"Deciding what was better?" Danny asked walking into the trap set by Skulker , who was using Danny's cluelessness to his advantage.

"This." Skulker said as ahe produced one of his various guns from his suit and aimed it at the speeder.

"No! Skulker don't!" Danny shouted causing the rest of the speeders occupants turn to the trio.

"Good luck, Ghost Child." Skulker said as he launched a barrage of missiles at the speeder, and incidentally the class.

The missiles hit their mark and sent the class hurtling towards the depths bellow.


Me: Mwhahaha my attempt at a cliffy.


Phantom: Hey at least you get to see me this way

Danny: *blushes* yeah I guess

Phantom: Wait he does get to see me this way right?


*Danny and Phantom hold each other*

Me: Sorry. Any way that's it for now, I hoped you liked it. Till next time, Bye!

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